Chile Easter and my first earthquake
Time flies lately. The weekend, finally, I had three scheduled spacewalks. First, there was an evening of Easter in the Czech Embassy, a little late, admittedly. Then Saturday, I was invited to a party pork-cabbage dumplings-at Manka. And to finish the weekend though, there was a home in Barbec In three Pedros. Then Monday, the cosmonaut had returned from the telescope. But tell in order.
Friday night, so I went to the party at the embassy. In Chile, there is an organization called Circle chileno-Czech . It consists mostly Chileans who claim Czech origin. I have an ambiguous feeling for such training, because sometimes there drooling sentimentally bread with salt, the smell of lime trees, good, short, Czechia lost what makes me want to say words like "chat" or "ticketing". In France, as a Czech teacher, I always tried to talk to students about our traditions, but always in context with the face of these traditions to the present. Easter is a celebration rather special in my country, because traditionally, boys beat girls with a bat Monday morning and the girls happy as well, they will stay young and beautiful all year, reward them with a painted egg. The egg symbolizes fertility, as the stick, which is flexible, symbolizes youth. I showed students a short video of a historical film where they could see the Easter "historic" and then I let them read a short text created by a friend of mine who said: "My father still tried to come in the morning with the stick, but I watched from my bed in such a way that he did not dare to take action and has identified ". Well yes, in a century, the happy laughter of the girls have sometimes changed a bit in a rumble teenager. Later, when our small group in Grenoble has he creates thcèques boys organized themselves, they made their sticks and Monday morning, they came all beat the Czechs, but also some of my students. Here, tradition is still a bit bright.
In Chile, it is a bit more complicated, because most members of Circulo chileno-Pacheco are women. Easter at the embassy was especially so in a competition in painting the eggs, while the person was pomlazka , the traditional stick. Madam Consul brought the equipment, but there was nobody who could do it. It therefore merely to explain what are the ribbons, the branches of shrubs and pomlazka with courage in overcoming all the problems this has posed in English. One member of the circle then took the branches and showed how they are used and if reciting a little poem with a nice traditional Chilean accent. He just changed the end and instead of saying "give me an egg," he said "give me a slivovice" Madam Consul and served him one. After the contest in painting eggs began. It was mostly Chileans who have gotten, while the Czechs have been drinking beer Cristal and eating "traditional" hot dogs. Anezka I met a girl who's been here a year, Sarka, who lives in Santiago last eight months, and finally another Tereza already living here for six years. All three are married with a Chilean. They talked a lot about their desire to return to our country. I think it is very difficult to go so far in a country whose language they have not always spoken in arriving. In addition, even if they spoke English, here is spoken in Chile. And in addition, unlike us, many more Chileans emphasize family life and visit each other without stopping. I told myself that my situation is much easier, and more, if you do not want to stay in Chile, we will return.
Once the beer drinking, the subjects of conversation exhausted and hot dogs eaten, people began to leave. There were a few people who continued painting the eggs. I do not know who won, because I did not want to stay past and I am therefore left with a crowd of Chilean grannies dressed very chic for the occasion. Fortunately, not wearing traditional dress.
Saturday evening, Manka invited Tereza and her husband, Chilean food. I too was invited. We ate a traditional meal, pork with dumplings and cabbage. Home. With both types of cabbage. I almost drooled and cried with nostalgia. Ah, I think I would even traditional dress if needed!
I surprised myself the ecstasy that I experienced when swallowing it all. And as usual, at Manka and Standa, it was well watered with beer, wine and pisco sour. Once back home, the world has flown under my feet.
I went to bed and slept. About four hours of night, a movement of my mattress I woke up. Flutter. Half asleep, I felt really nice and funny or embarrassing. Afterwards, I realized that the wall moves as well. The earthquake! What do I do now? " The only idea I had was to hide under the coffee table, but I was too tired and so I said I would wait a bit. And I went back to sleep.
the morning I woke up with dry mouth and a vague memory of the night float. So it was my first earthquake? Or I just dreaming? Flutter, Was it something to do with pork and beer? Then I had a brilliant idea. Giraffes! They are super unstable, both!
In the lounge, the giraffes, standing, threw me a glance charging: "Drunk!" I told myself yet, I'll see the internet. But he spoke of swine flu. So maybe it was the pig that was guilty, but there was no trace of a tremor.
I did not really want to ask friends if they have noticed an earthquake four hours Saturday morning, but on Monday I watched the internet again. And then there it was! That . So yes, I experienced my first significant earthquake!
Then Sunday I went to the house Barbec Three Pedros. Near our apartment, there is a house where PhD students live. Among them, there are also two Portuguese guys, both are called Pedro. And as the Portuguese names are too complicated, they couplet according to their most outstanding characteristics. We are talking of "Pedro with hair" and "Pedro bald." To be a little more politically correct, also called "the great Pedro" and "Little Pedro". I was invited by the little bald Pedro. The Pedro nice. But it's both. And why I say in three Pedros? Because in a little while a new Portuguese arrived and dwell in the house. His name is Pedro ....
Monday, Cosmonaut descended Telescope with his friend, Matthew, who is a football agent. He is half French and half Colombian and he often goes to South America. These days, he came to watch the players during the South American Championship for players aged 17 months. Then he passed through the telescope and it has come with the cosmonauts. It could even offer him to stay, because our sofa was finally ready. Monday, Damien was also the tutor of the thesis of Cosmonaut, who was passing by Santiago during his trip to Telescope. So we decided to also invite our neighbors, JB and Matilda, and eat out. Finally, we stayed here because the Cosmonaut returns always very tired, so I had the opportunity to devote myself to my passion which is cooking. And understand why all Chileans have gas stoves.
Because if you turn on your oven and if you also turn on the light kind, your electrical needs must stop there. The circuit breakers popped twice and twice I have not come to deliver them, so I still had to call the custodian. I'm glad we already have a dishwasher, but I have to calculate when Is what I can put it on. This was not Sunday or Monday, not because of electricity, but because the neighbor had his second blocked drains and we were forbidden to use the whole column.
But the dinner went well. I made a paella with seafood, all I could find in the Mercado Central and nobody has been sick, but Damien, but that we can say that is because of his flight from Paris.
When guests are gone, I went to bed. The Cosmonaut with Mathieu remained in the living room to watch football and drink beer. At four o'clock at night, I was still awake, but this time by a silent trial and error. Someone tried to open the door! Et .. he opened the door! I got really scared and I'm wide awake.
But that's life of the sailor's wife. Sometimes in the night, you are terrorized by the fact that someone is in your apartment before you remember that you have a husband. Ah yes.
And that's all. Tuesday morning, the top shelf for the show came, of course without notice and in the time I was in the shower, so I welcomed the deliverymen still in my suit wet look. But our show is over. Incredible! And Friday morning, we'll try to go back to 4000.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
How Much For Cyst Removal
Mayor Houde was he a Freemason?
( Note: further evidence showing that Quebec politicians are on the side of the Grand Orient of France. Reminder: Jean Drapeau in 1975 received a medal GODF. 1985, same thing for René Lévesque. 1987: Jean Doré received the Grand Master GODF. )
On Thursday, March 20, 1952, the newspaper Le Canada "reported that a" philosopher "French, a Marius Lepage, will travel to Montreal to give books as" luxury "to the mayor of Montreal Houde.
Probably the most insignificant news ever published in a newspaper.
In reality, the "philosopher" in question was a Freemason of the 33rd degree French official mission to Montreal to try to restore the links between Freemasonry English and French. The books of "luxury" offered Mayor Houde was the work of Masonic history, another "detail" that the newspaper "Le Canada" forget to inform us.
Source: Brochure of the Grand Lodge of Quebec, "Masonic Light" May-June 1952.
CANADA - MONTREAL, Thursday, March 20, 1952
is April 3, during the morning, Mr. Marius Lepage arrive by air from France to Montreal (Dorval) will be received by a group of French-Canadian friendship. The journalist and philosopher, director of Cahiers du Symbolism ", give some talks in Montreal where he spent only four days en route to Detroit, where another group has organized for her speaking tours in French and English , United States.
He will give a press conference during his stay in Montreal.
Lepage's visit to America was made personally, but he will use his visit to Montreal to give the mayor of this city, SHM Houde, two deluxe editions. The first book was written by the prefect of Mayenne, Edmond Dauphin, in collaboration with its sponsor, former prefect of Mayenne. This book tells the story of the chateau of Rambouillet, where he has already been sub-prefect. You know it's at Rambouillet, a few miles from Paris, that is the country home of President Republic, where there are superb game preserves, known as the "from Rambouillet. The second art book tackles "Chouannerie. It was printed by the Mayor of Laval, SH Mayor Albert Goupil, old-master printer of great taste, printer of the diocese, whose brother is a Jesuit.
Mr. Marius Lepage will present these two books in a personal capacity, MM. Edmond Dauphin and Albert Goupil, headed in the Mayenne, everything concerning the effective life of the department. He supported trade sections of agriculture, industry. He also directs the roads, waterways and truck traffic and, in addition police.
He will also use his short stint as staff to visit the offices of the Montreal police, those of the provincial police, as well as our public buildings and homes of higher learning.
Back from his tour in the U.S., it will switch back to Montreal for the plane going back into his country.
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Wor. Bro. Marius Lepage 33 ° of France Visits Canada.
We Were, Indeed, Pleased to Receive the visit, Both at Our board and our Home, of Worcester. Bro. Marius Lepage, editor of The French Masonic periodical, "Le Symbolisme", who is a 33° mason and the Wor. Master of the "Volney" Lodge of Laval, in the old province of Maine, France. This 11th century town is the native city of the First R.C. bishop of Canada, Mgr. Montmorency-Laval.
Bro. Lepage is a colleague of ours in the Philalethes Society in which we both hold fellowships. He apparently gave us the preference over many prominent Montrealers to whom he held letters of introduction (including Mayor Houde) — and spared us two evenings and an afternoon for the exchange of views on things masonic here and on the European continent, where I lived for many years.
When we know that Bro. Lepage was the Secretary of that eminent occultist, Bro. Oswald Wirth, and a contemporary French Masonic historian, Albert Lantoine, whose 33° decoration he wears and that he has just completed a volume on the history of Freemasonry in Mayence. we realize that he is more than the average casual Masonic visitor.
One of the purposes of his visit to America was to discover why fraternal relations cannot be restored between our jurisdictions and his "obedience" (the Grand Orient de France), which is accused, falsely claims Mr. Lepage, of being atheistic, whereas the worst that it can be accused of is being neutral in its attitude towards Divinity, due mostly to the fact there are Moslems and Buddhists, as well as Christians, in the ranks of the Grand Orient. An initiate can, if he so desires, be obligated on the Bible, the Koran, the, Bagdavagista or any other Sacred Book he desires, all of them being available in the leading Temples.
Incidentally, Bro. Lepage left with us a copy of a book by his master, Wirth, entitled: "Qui est régulier?" suggesting that the Grand Orient adheres more closely to Anderson's constitution than we do, notably as regards the attitude towards colored adepts of the Prince Hall fraternity. Of course, I explained, we in Quebec entertained no race prejudice - - - - in-so-far as our colored Brethren are concerned!
Bro. Lepage, although he speaks excellent English, preferred contacting French-speaking Masons of this jurisdiction, thinking that since Manitoba officially recognizes the Grand Orient, it should be comparatively easy to restore the fraternal relations that once existed between our jurisdiction and his own. We were sorry we had to undeceive him, telling him the unfavorable publicity his "obedience" had received in French-Canada since 1910, would certainly react against we, "regulars". We also informed Bro. Lepage that we had received assurances from Bro. Viaud, President of the Council of the Order, (which is the continental equivalent to Grand Master) and General Meunier, Grand Secretary of the G.O. that no attempt would be made to revive the Grand Orient in this jurisdiction. The then G.M. of our jurisdiction? M.W. Bro. Leslie Boyd, has copies of the correspondence exchanged at the time.
We also placed before Bro. Lepage the letters we had received from the
late Bro. Roumilhac, F.P.S., relative to the possibility of the G.O. entering into communication with the then Premier of England, Winston Churchill, for the purpose of having fraternal relations between France and England restored. At the time, I had advised that the then Premier of France and mayor of Lyons. Mr. Herriot, should take up the question with Hon. Winston Churchill - - but was informed, to my surprise, that the French Premier was not and had never been a Mason. I therefore advised Mr. Lepage that possibly that eminent French statesman, Mr. Paul Boncours, who IS a Mason, should correspond on this subject with Mr. Churchill. Mr. Lepage stated he would certainly follow up this possibility on his next visit to the Paris headquarters of his "obedience".
• In view of the fact that no masonic body throughout the wide world has suffered as much as the French for the crime of being Mason: - - - imprisonment in concentration camps, confiscation of property, extermination in the gas chambers of Dachau and Buchenwald, execution by firing squads, etc.; the views of England might possibly be altered, specially since the G.O. had greatly modified its own views as to the volume of the Sacred Law. Belief in a Supreme Being seems also to have undergone a change and I suggested Bro. Lepage should insist on the fact that at the time relations were broken between the G.L. of England and the G.O. of France, the G.M. of French Masonry was Rev. Mr. F. Desmons, a Protestant minister who certainly was no atheist and could not have countenanced atheism.
As a proof of the changed attitude of French Masonry, Bro. Lepage showed me several documents, summons, etc.. bearing as a headline the abbreviations (A.L.G.D.G.A. de l'U) "To the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe". He also left with me photographs of the interior of "Volney" Lodge over which he presides, showing the altar at the foot of the Master's seat in the East, this being the position it occupies in English Lodges, and the big "G" hanging from the ceiling, as in our own Lodges.
Who knows, possibly because of Bro. Lepage's visit to us, a rapprochement may result between the strictly deistic Lodges such as we have in English-speaking countries and those of France. Germany seems to have fallen into the line, why not France?
C. H.
Editorial Note:—We have been informed that no less than five American Grand bodies and one Canadian (Manitoba) have extended recognition and entertain fraternal relations with the Grand Orient of France. If we understand American Jurisprudence correctly, all "Regular" Grand Bodies are enjoined not to extend fraternal relations to those Grand Bodies who have recognized bodies that do not make the belief in T.G.A.O.T.U. compulsory; the resulting situation would therefore seem quite complicated, more so than in the case of Negro Masonry of Prince Hall affiliation, which holds the same views as do the "regular" Grand bodies" relative to the G.A.O.T.U.
( Note: further evidence showing that Quebec politicians are on the side of the Grand Orient of France. Reminder: Jean Drapeau in 1975 received a medal GODF. 1985, same thing for René Lévesque. 1987: Jean Doré received the Grand Master GODF. )
On Thursday, March 20, 1952, the newspaper Le Canada "reported that a" philosopher "French, a Marius Lepage, will travel to Montreal to give books as" luxury "to the mayor of Montreal Houde.
Probably the most insignificant news ever published in a newspaper.
In reality, the "philosopher" in question was a Freemason of the 33rd degree French official mission to Montreal to try to restore the links between Freemasonry English and French. The books of "luxury" offered Mayor Houde was the work of Masonic history, another "detail" that the newspaper "Le Canada" forget to inform us.
Source: Brochure of the Grand Lodge of Quebec, "Masonic Light" May-June 1952.
CANADA - MONTREAL, Thursday, March 20, 1952
is April 3, during the morning, Mr. Marius Lepage arrive by air from France to Montreal (Dorval) will be received by a group of French-Canadian friendship. The journalist and philosopher, director of Cahiers du Symbolism ", give some talks in Montreal where he spent only four days en route to Detroit, where another group has organized for her speaking tours in French and English , United States.
He will give a press conference during his stay in Montreal.
Lepage's visit to America was made personally, but he will use his visit to Montreal to give the mayor of this city, SHM Houde, two deluxe editions. The first book was written by the prefect of Mayenne, Edmond Dauphin, in collaboration with its sponsor, former prefect of Mayenne. This book tells the story of the chateau of Rambouillet, where he has already been sub-prefect. You know it's at Rambouillet, a few miles from Paris, that is the country home of President Republic, where there are superb game preserves, known as the "from Rambouillet. The second art book tackles "Chouannerie. It was printed by the Mayor of Laval, SH Mayor Albert Goupil, old-master printer of great taste, printer of the diocese, whose brother is a Jesuit.
Mr. Marius Lepage will present these two books in a personal capacity, MM. Edmond Dauphin and Albert Goupil, headed in the Mayenne, everything concerning the effective life of the department. He supported trade sections of agriculture, industry. He also directs the roads, waterways and truck traffic and, in addition police.
He will also use his short stint as staff to visit the offices of the Montreal police, those of the provincial police, as well as our public buildings and homes of higher learning.
Back from his tour in the U.S., it will switch back to Montreal for the plane going back into his country.
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Wor. Bro. Marius Lepage 33 ° of France Visits Canada.
We Were, Indeed, Pleased to Receive the visit, Both at Our board and our Home, of Worcester. Bro. Marius Lepage, editor of The French Masonic periodical, "Le Symbolisme", who is a 33° mason and the Wor. Master of the "Volney" Lodge of Laval, in the old province of Maine, France. This 11th century town is the native city of the First R.C. bishop of Canada, Mgr. Montmorency-Laval.
Bro. Lepage is a colleague of ours in the Philalethes Society in which we both hold fellowships. He apparently gave us the preference over many prominent Montrealers to whom he held letters of introduction (including Mayor Houde) — and spared us two evenings and an afternoon for the exchange of views on things masonic here and on the European continent, where I lived for many years.
When we know that Bro. Lepage was the Secretary of that eminent occultist, Bro. Oswald Wirth, and a contemporary French Masonic historian, Albert Lantoine, whose 33° decoration he wears and that he has just completed a volume on the history of Freemasonry in Mayence. we realize that he is more than the average casual Masonic visitor.
One of the purposes of his visit to America was to discover why fraternal relations cannot be restored between our jurisdictions and his "obedience" (the Grand Orient de France), which is accused, falsely claims Mr. Lepage, of being atheistic, whereas the worst that it can be accused of is being neutral in its attitude towards Divinity, due mostly to the fact there are Moslems and Buddhists, as well as Christians, in the ranks of the Grand Orient. An initiate can, if he so desires, be obligated on the Bible, the Koran, the, Bagdavagista or any other Sacred Book he desires, all of them being available in the leading Temples.
Incidentally, Bro. Lepage left with us a copy of a book by his master, Wirth, entitled: "Qui est régulier?" suggesting that the Grand Orient adheres more closely to Anderson's constitution than we do, notably as regards the attitude towards colored adepts of the Prince Hall fraternity. Of course, I explained, we in Quebec entertained no race prejudice - - - - in-so-far as our colored Brethren are concerned!
Bro. Lepage, although he speaks excellent English, preferred contacting French-speaking Masons of this jurisdiction, thinking that since Manitoba officially recognizes the Grand Orient, it should be comparatively easy to restore the fraternal relations that once existed between our jurisdiction and his own. We were sorry we had to undeceive him, telling him the unfavorable publicity his "obedience" had received in French-Canada since 1910, would certainly react against we, "regulars". We also informed Bro. Lepage that we had received assurances from Bro. Viaud, President of the Council of the Order, (which is the continental equivalent to Grand Master) and General Meunier, Grand Secretary of the G.O. that no attempt would be made to revive the Grand Orient in this jurisdiction. The then G.M. of our jurisdiction? M.W. Bro. Leslie Boyd, has copies of the correspondence exchanged at the time.
We also placed before Bro. Lepage the letters we had received from the
late Bro. Roumilhac, F.P.S., relative to the possibility of the G.O. entering into communication with the then Premier of England, Winston Churchill, for the purpose of having fraternal relations between France and England restored. At the time, I had advised that the then Premier of France and mayor of Lyons. Mr. Herriot, should take up the question with Hon. Winston Churchill - - but was informed, to my surprise, that the French Premier was not and had never been a Mason. I therefore advised Mr. Lepage that possibly that eminent French statesman, Mr. Paul Boncours, who IS a Mason, should correspond on this subject with Mr. Churchill. Mr. Lepage stated he would certainly follow up this possibility on his next visit to the Paris headquarters of his "obedience".
• In view of the fact that no masonic body throughout the wide world has suffered as much as the French for the crime of being Mason: - - - imprisonment in concentration camps, confiscation of property, extermination in the gas chambers of Dachau and Buchenwald, execution by firing squads, etc.; the views of England might possibly be altered, specially since the G.O. had greatly modified its own views as to the volume of the Sacred Law. Belief in a Supreme Being seems also to have undergone a change and I suggested Bro. Lepage should insist on the fact that at the time relations were broken between the G.L. of England and the G.O. of France, the G.M. of French Masonry was Rev. Mr. F. Desmons, a Protestant minister who certainly was no atheist and could not have countenanced atheism.
As a proof of the changed attitude of French Masonry, Bro. Lepage showed me several documents, summons, etc.. bearing as a headline the abbreviations (A.L.G.D.G.A. de l'U) "To the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe". He also left with me photographs of the interior of "Volney" Lodge over which he presides, showing the altar at the foot of the Master's seat in the East, this being the position it occupies in English Lodges, and the big "G" hanging from the ceiling, as in our own Lodges.
Who knows, possibly because of Bro. Lepage's visit to us, a rapprochement may result between the strictly deistic Lodges such as we have in English-speaking countries and those of France. Germany seems to have fallen into the line, why not France?
C. H.
Editorial Note:—We have been informed that no less than five American Grand bodies and one Canadian (Manitoba) have extended recognition and entertain fraternal relations with the Grand Orient of France. If we understand American Jurisprudence correctly, all "Regular" Grand Bodies are enjoined not to extend fraternal relations to those Grand Bodies who have recognized bodies that do not make the belief in T.G.A.O.T.U. compulsory; the resulting situation would therefore seem quite complicated, more so than in the case of Negro Masonry of Prince Hall affiliation, which holds the same views as do the "regular" Grand bodies" relative to the G.A.O.T.U.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Do Nhl Players Buy Sticks
Switzerland of America South, our little apartment and belly Santiago
In Czechia, we admire the Swiss. It is believed that their country is, among other, very sour. "We went skiing this winter. We rented a small cottage and left our skis outside all night. And no one has stolen." Such a story is a legend that the Czechs are told that their country is dreaming Switzerland of the East.
I noticed that, cons, and especially the French and Savoyards Grenoble I know, regard the Swiss as people without humor and their country in a kind of prison where people do not stop to s spy on each other.
Chileans sometimes say that Chile is the Switzerland of South America. And this may be true. The flight is less frequent and the country is largely about. Finally, especially if you live in a wealthy neighborhood where the car pass without stopping the district police are called militia. And even there, where there are no militias, people have habits to mingle a bit everything from skis to a stroller nearby parked it. And I think I'll never stop to amaze me before enrollment in means of transportation that I call "denounces your driver. The inscriptions say: "The driver called XY. If you do not like how it leads call 123456 ". The long-distance bus are even equipped with a speed control. A sharp noise awakens the passengers whenever the driver exceeds the speed limit and it appears on the panel for example, Alvaro Gonzalez rolls to 102 km / h instead of 100km / h. I do not know if there are people who bother to call the line, but I'm sure the bus ride to Santiago always as fast as most driver is crazy. And how you want to stay normal, if you must ride all day in the crazy traffic and think of Santiago in your bus, it monitors whether you ride well and may be there is a person which calls for the line Gonzalo Alvarez has said that the bus stop between stations that Mrs Maria Dolores can get out in front of his house, while it is forbidden.
I say that the Czechs, looking to surprise their ski chalet, does not see the other side of the story. The policing and rules that leave no room for dialogue or compromise. And humanity with its errors, its negative aspects, but also positive sides. And finally, all its rules, it is a weapon in the hands of frustrated people.
In our building, there are many things that are forbidden. I have already told you that hours when you can make noise by work are very limited. Of course, with such limitations, I have completely abandoned the idea of making house parties. It is well written in the rules of the building that can make noise with the music until midnight. And knowing our neighbors, they call the guard at 12:00. I already fear how it goes when we have guests. If you want to swim with them, we'll have to bring them to the pool by two and two elected officials should be equipped with special permits. When the workers they neighbor "borrowed" the shoes of Cosmonaut, I wanted to put up posters throughout the condominium that I give a sum of money to the person who brings me the shoes. Because I thought the cosmonaut has forgotten in the car park. But the guard told me that it is forbidden to put posters with tape. So I slipped the posters behind glass cabinets that display small building rules. I thought it was clever as well, I do not use the tape. But in a small half hour, there were more posters. I'm sure it's a neighbor who found it ugly and told the guards to pick up all that junk.
neighbors are bothered by it. I've said we were going everywhere with Hektor, my little bike. When I need more time in the day, before I leave the building. Our winery is small and more, as you can not do work, there is still no shelves, so there are lots of things on earth. In front of the building, there is plenty of room and people would leave their bicycles. In addition, entry begins with a staircase, so nobody is carrying things on there and there are no disabled people in our building.
But today in the afternoon, when I wanted to go to my volunteer work, I went out and Hektor was gone. I have not forgotten? No. I have left well before the building! I ran to see the guards. The security guard told me he knew nothing of my bike. At the moment I saw Raul, breathless, how he came back from I do not know where. He said he had to move my bike, because people complain that it is outside the building. He put on the parking of bicycles which is four entries later, a place that is less convenient because the farthest, to park cars. A place full of dead bike, because nobody would not until there every day to ride. But this is the place to put bikes. And Raul has taken my 15 kilos of Hektor with his lock U three extra kilos, he put on his back and he brought up there.
Today, electricity has jumped. Of course it was exactly the time when we wanted to make a small espresso with Mathilde. The electricity jumps without stopping, so I know well where are the circuit breakers. In the hallway closet. I went there, but I found the locked cabinet. Without doubt, someone has to complain that the cupboards are open all the time and were therefore closed. A trip to the guards was thus re-proposed. It was Raul who gave me the keys. But the keys did not work. Raul not believe me. I am a woman and he is not sure I know how to use keys. So he sent another guard with me to confirm the diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the guard began to try to open the cupboard with the force. After 15 minutes, he called another guard and they started to use levers. And then, after another 15 minutes of work, the cabinet failed. There. Easy to reset circuit breakers. Especially now, when the lock of the closet was stuffed.
course that the whistleblower received the protection of witnesses and nobody will tell you who is complaining. So I try to be always so nice, to tolerate the fact that the children of our neighbors over dribble with the ball in their room, even if they could do fairly well in the courtyard where they are not threatened by (my) bike. I say that was probably a neighbor who likes to watch other people's faults. Why do the same, then. But I feel all that much influence my tolerance.
In Czech, who knows why, when we mean that in someone, it's pretty and nice, we say "a house / apartment as a small cage." I think that in Chile, we can say that our apartment is a small cage, yes. We are trying to fill. Finally, the fact Cosmonaut although remote, as it is for a change in Telescope. So, I still still closed to the house to the length of day and wait for deliveries and artisans. Artisans, who have always reflex drill them out exactly 13heures, now that the curfew is needed in the building. It was also the case with Juan who came connecting our dishwasher. He spent the morning looking for material that was not, admittedly, his fault. It is I who should have made sure that the Chilean is compatible with the taking of the dishwasher! Even if we had bought in Chile, it is not automatic you can connect your device. We already had this experience with our furnace yet, and I forget! But the dishwasher had taken a completely weird, I'm sure it must have been taking Chinese. But Juan is Sodimac party and he brought a suitable outlet. Miracle!
still I moved boxes for delivery drivers can put a bookshelf and a couch. As usual, it does not happen without mistakes, so the shelf was damaged and the couch needed to be installed by a professional who was ill, would not come, had died or did not exist. Instead I made for the sofa has therefore served as a place to put the couch into pieces, and place for the shelves was just big enough to sink dirty Juan turned from the kitchen. The shelf will come. Finally, before they must wait for the statement that I made the shelf damaged. Afterwards, they must find a shelf undamaged. And then find a driver. They will call. Et cetera.
Because if you want to get out of economic terms such as competition, you're screwed. The choice is so limited that we have found only two stores, and Portico Muebles Sur, with the furniture that was overpriced and not selling beautiful furniture. And those two shops know so well that there is no competition and that it is not worth breaking the feet. Portico did not find anything strange about the fact that they have delivered us a table supposedly new, but obviously the same table we saw in the paper shop. Person has not taken the lead in the hide and the table was always the price. The deliverymen have confirmed that this is the display table and they helped me find scratches. After a few days of my calls mad, the Store Manager gave me 15% discount. She could not change it, because she had no other and there was no longer in Spain, where the furniture came from Portico. I vowed that I will buy anything in this shop, but in a few weeks while I looked for a cabinet to put the dishes, I realized that Portico is the only cabinet hostage about drinking. We said we would still have a chance to Portico, but it will not sell us a piece of furniture without reducing exposure. I showed the sellers scratches on the furniture and asked for a discount. But no, it is out of question! Well yes, they have two copies, one of Arauco and the Portico Portico Vitacura, and there is no other furniture such as Spain or elsewhere in the world, but not by reducing, anyway!
I left telling me it's crazy. What is this business strategy to expose the furniture that I have not and do not want to expose to get rid of something I? Money laundering, we said.
In two days I received Muebles On this shelf and the damaged sofa that nobody could climb, I told you about. The place to clear the furniture was made by the sink dirty. In short, the apartment was more welcoming.
The next day, tired of the carnage in our home, I missed Portico Vitacura. I did not resist and I went to another cabinet for dishes. It was not too damaged, but he had a drawer just stowed away. I showed the head of the shop that offered me that he would go to Arauco Portico where he will take a tray of loose and he dropped me off the scent. But reduction, gosh, no.
My dear readers. Sometimes when one has the moral socks, forget pride. I bought the furniture and I paid the total price. Yes, they're good traders. They know that customers, they come back. To keep a little self-esteem, I tell myself at least, they laundered less sub.
What will stop to amaze me is the joy of life that shows a lot of Chilean. Because if we were a bit of trouble to furnish our apartment, put it in a habitable condition by fighting with our neighbors, at least, it was not financial concerns. So in reality, it n ' has almost not worry. Most Chileans have the same worries, but in addition, their life is counted by a peso. I do not know where their energy comes out and the fact they always seem to be happy. When I joined Portico, there were two guys who came to see me expressing their joy: "You know you are! We know you! You live in Monte Carmelo!" Astonished, I watched without knowing where I know them. "But we, we brought you the table! How did it go? You have received a discount?" I happily followed the two in the store. They looked at the furniture I wanted to buy me and they looked with enthusiasm copy any scoring. Once we found that the drawer is a little box, they ran head to see it just give me a discount. Which I have not received but got the two deliverymen who brought me the closet with incredible joy. And it's always like this. Chileans, even if at first glance, they are often not very friendly, after two minutes that you spend together, they ask you how you're going constantly, how do you like Chile, if you like beans, if you like Chilean food, if you like football, if you have children, if you work, good, brief, there is always something to talk about.
But life for most Chileans is very hard. Several more times this week, I felt very sorry for them and I told myself that we are is privileged. Juan, the gentleman who installed the dishwasher at home, had an accident two years ago. His car was inoperable and he spent time in hospital. Meanwhile, the construction company went bankrupt. But as it is clever, he always finds the work of a mason or none. But with the crisis, most sites was stopped. He is doing as we can and we could give him work for the day with his wife, Victoria, our housekeeper.
The boy who came to help with Juan has a similar story. Unfortunately, I forgot his name and the blog, I'll call him so for example Pedro. It lives in the San Ramon, next to La Granja, south of Santiago. Pedro told me that her neighborhood is good, but it is just off Pintana, a neighborhood full of drugs. But I assure you that even in San Ramon, you can not leave your empty house and go on a weekend, if you want to find all your business. Pedro worked as a laborer as Toyota is doing in its own way in time of crisis. The company stopped production for two months and it fired for two months, the workers. It will take them back afterwards. In Chile, it is possible. Now, therefore, Pedro did not return. Fortunately, in Chile, there is a network relationships and people help each other. Juan Pedro is therefore with him to help him with work. During the time that Juan was looking to take the dishwasher to Sodimac, Pedro cleaned and afterwards he came to me. He asked me how I was, I liked how Chile and as I too have asked questions, he told me his story slowly. He said he had two children, a decade, and the other ten months. He speaks with pride of his eldest son who is hard at school and had a scholarship to college. With the same pride, he tells me he got married very young, because his future wife, a nurse, received an offer from the United States with a rich family where she worked as a caregiver. And like Pedro did not want her to leave, he proposed marriage. But after the birth of first child, his wife suffered from depression and post-natal depression that has reappeared with the second. Suddenly, his wife occasionally works as the housekeeper, as nursing job is too stressful for her. When Pedro tells me about his wife's depression, I see tears in his eyes. I see that he too is on the verge of a depression. I imagine his life unemployed, with the sick wife and two children. I asked him if his wife has followed. He assures me they see a therapist every two weeks. We talk a bit about what is postnatal depression and I ask, if his wife is breastfeeding. I said yes. With my primitive English, I said she should stop, because depression is often linked to hormonal balance. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it. But I also see in his eyes as if his wife stops breastfeeding, they will have to feed the child in another way. Better in a month. When Toyota rehire.
The mental illnesses are horrible. And they are especially if you're poor. I do my volunteer association which are all types of people. Alzheimer's disease does not discriminate. But I see from the poor is a disease more difficult. Because they can not afford a home help. Sometimes it's neighbors to help, fortunately. Also, the public health care system is not the same. Public physicians have no time to listen to the patient's family to distinguish whether the patient has hallucinations, if delusional, or conversely if he sleeps all day. So, for the poor, care is more difficult, also because the "good" moments with the patient are rare. And there are financial concerns added. This poor
Chile scares me. I know that my worries are small concerns. It this, Chile: rich neighborhoods with their lives and fliquée isolated and poor areas where people live as they can ...
I noticed that, cons, and especially the French and Savoyards Grenoble I know, regard the Swiss as people without humor and their country in a kind of prison where people do not stop to s spy on each other.
Chileans sometimes say that Chile is the Switzerland of South America. And this may be true. The flight is less frequent and the country is largely about. Finally, especially if you live in a wealthy neighborhood where the car pass without stopping the district police are called militia. And even there, where there are no militias, people have habits to mingle a bit everything from skis to a stroller nearby parked it. And I think I'll never stop to amaze me before enrollment in means of transportation that I call "denounces your driver. The inscriptions say: "The driver called XY. If you do not like how it leads call 123456 ". The long-distance bus are even equipped with a speed control. A sharp noise awakens the passengers whenever the driver exceeds the speed limit and it appears on the panel for example, Alvaro Gonzalez rolls to 102 km / h instead of 100km / h. I do not know if there are people who bother to call the line, but I'm sure the bus ride to Santiago always as fast as most driver is crazy. And how you want to stay normal, if you must ride all day in the crazy traffic and think of Santiago in your bus, it monitors whether you ride well and may be there is a person which calls for the line Gonzalo Alvarez has said that the bus stop between stations that Mrs Maria Dolores can get out in front of his house, while it is forbidden.
I say that the Czechs, looking to surprise their ski chalet, does not see the other side of the story. The policing and rules that leave no room for dialogue or compromise. And humanity with its errors, its negative aspects, but also positive sides. And finally, all its rules, it is a weapon in the hands of frustrated people.
In our building, there are many things that are forbidden. I have already told you that hours when you can make noise by work are very limited. Of course, with such limitations, I have completely abandoned the idea of making house parties. It is well written in the rules of the building that can make noise with the music until midnight. And knowing our neighbors, they call the guard at 12:00. I already fear how it goes when we have guests. If you want to swim with them, we'll have to bring them to the pool by two and two elected officials should be equipped with special permits. When the workers they neighbor "borrowed" the shoes of Cosmonaut, I wanted to put up posters throughout the condominium that I give a sum of money to the person who brings me the shoes. Because I thought the cosmonaut has forgotten in the car park. But the guard told me that it is forbidden to put posters with tape. So I slipped the posters behind glass cabinets that display small building rules. I thought it was clever as well, I do not use the tape. But in a small half hour, there were more posters. I'm sure it's a neighbor who found it ugly and told the guards to pick up all that junk.
neighbors are bothered by it. I've said we were going everywhere with Hektor, my little bike. When I need more time in the day, before I leave the building. Our winery is small and more, as you can not do work, there is still no shelves, so there are lots of things on earth. In front of the building, there is plenty of room and people would leave their bicycles. In addition, entry begins with a staircase, so nobody is carrying things on there and there are no disabled people in our building.
But today in the afternoon, when I wanted to go to my volunteer work, I went out and Hektor was gone. I have not forgotten? No. I have left well before the building! I ran to see the guards. The security guard told me he knew nothing of my bike. At the moment I saw Raul, breathless, how he came back from I do not know where. He said he had to move my bike, because people complain that it is outside the building. He put on the parking of bicycles which is four entries later, a place that is less convenient because the farthest, to park cars. A place full of dead bike, because nobody would not until there every day to ride. But this is the place to put bikes. And Raul has taken my 15 kilos of Hektor with his lock U three extra kilos, he put on his back and he brought up there.
Today, electricity has jumped. Of course it was exactly the time when we wanted to make a small espresso with Mathilde. The electricity jumps without stopping, so I know well where are the circuit breakers. In the hallway closet. I went there, but I found the locked cabinet. Without doubt, someone has to complain that the cupboards are open all the time and were therefore closed. A trip to the guards was thus re-proposed. It was Raul who gave me the keys. But the keys did not work. Raul not believe me. I am a woman and he is not sure I know how to use keys. So he sent another guard with me to confirm the diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the guard began to try to open the cupboard with the force. After 15 minutes, he called another guard and they started to use levers. And then, after another 15 minutes of work, the cabinet failed. There. Easy to reset circuit breakers. Especially now, when the lock of the closet was stuffed.
course that the whistleblower received the protection of witnesses and nobody will tell you who is complaining. So I try to be always so nice, to tolerate the fact that the children of our neighbors over dribble with the ball in their room, even if they could do fairly well in the courtyard where they are not threatened by (my) bike. I say that was probably a neighbor who likes to watch other people's faults. Why do the same, then. But I feel all that much influence my tolerance.
In Czech, who knows why, when we mean that in someone, it's pretty and nice, we say "a house / apartment as a small cage." I think that in Chile, we can say that our apartment is a small cage, yes. We are trying to fill. Finally, the fact Cosmonaut although remote, as it is for a change in Telescope. So, I still still closed to the house to the length of day and wait for deliveries and artisans. Artisans, who have always reflex drill them out exactly 13heures, now that the curfew is needed in the building. It was also the case with Juan who came connecting our dishwasher. He spent the morning looking for material that was not, admittedly, his fault. It is I who should have made sure that the Chilean is compatible with the taking of the dishwasher! Even if we had bought in Chile, it is not automatic you can connect your device. We already had this experience with our furnace yet, and I forget! But the dishwasher had taken a completely weird, I'm sure it must have been taking Chinese. But Juan is Sodimac party and he brought a suitable outlet. Miracle!
In two days I received Muebles On this shelf and the damaged sofa that nobody could climb, I told you about. The place to clear the furniture was made by the sink dirty. In short, the apartment was more welcoming.
The next day, tired of the carnage in our home, I missed Portico Vitacura. I did not resist and I went to another cabinet for dishes. It was not too damaged, but he had a drawer just stowed away. I showed the head of the shop that offered me that he would go to Arauco Portico where he will take a tray of loose and he dropped me off the scent. But reduction, gosh, no.
What will stop to amaze me is the joy of life that shows a lot of Chilean. Because if we were a bit of trouble to furnish our apartment, put it in a habitable condition by fighting with our neighbors, at least, it was not financial concerns. So in reality, it n ' has almost not worry. Most Chileans have the same worries, but in addition, their life is counted by a peso. I do not know where their energy comes out and the fact they always seem to be happy. When I joined Portico, there were two guys who came to see me expressing their joy: "You know you are! We know you! You live in Monte Carmelo!" Astonished, I watched without knowing where I know them. "But we, we brought you the table! How did it go? You have received a discount?" I happily followed the two in the store. They looked at the furniture I wanted to buy me and they looked with enthusiasm copy any scoring. Once we found that the drawer is a little box, they ran head to see it just give me a discount. Which I have not received but got the two deliverymen who brought me the closet with incredible joy. And it's always like this. Chileans, even if at first glance, they are often not very friendly, after two minutes that you spend together, they ask you how you're going constantly, how do you like Chile, if you like beans, if you like Chilean food, if you like football, if you have children, if you work, good, brief, there is always something to talk about.
But life for most Chileans is very hard. Several more times this week, I felt very sorry for them and I told myself that we are is privileged. Juan, the gentleman who installed the dishwasher at home, had an accident two years ago. His car was inoperable and he spent time in hospital. Meanwhile, the construction company went bankrupt. But as it is clever, he always finds the work of a mason or none. But with the crisis, most sites was stopped. He is doing as we can and we could give him work for the day with his wife, Victoria, our housekeeper.
The boy who came to help with Juan has a similar story. Unfortunately, I forgot his name and the blog, I'll call him so for example Pedro. It lives in the San Ramon, next to La Granja, south of Santiago. Pedro told me that her neighborhood is good, but it is just off Pintana, a neighborhood full of drugs. But I assure you that even in San Ramon, you can not leave your empty house and go on a weekend, if you want to find all your business. Pedro worked as a laborer as Toyota is doing in its own way in time of crisis. The company stopped production for two months and it fired for two months, the workers. It will take them back afterwards. In Chile, it is possible. Now, therefore, Pedro did not return. Fortunately, in Chile, there is a network relationships and people help each other. Juan Pedro is therefore with him to help him with work. During the time that Juan was looking to take the dishwasher to Sodimac, Pedro cleaned and afterwards he came to me. He asked me how I was, I liked how Chile and as I too have asked questions, he told me his story slowly. He said he had two children, a decade, and the other ten months. He speaks with pride of his eldest son who is hard at school and had a scholarship to college. With the same pride, he tells me he got married very young, because his future wife, a nurse, received an offer from the United States with a rich family where she worked as a caregiver. And like Pedro did not want her to leave, he proposed marriage. But after the birth of first child, his wife suffered from depression and post-natal depression that has reappeared with the second. Suddenly, his wife occasionally works as the housekeeper, as nursing job is too stressful for her. When Pedro tells me about his wife's depression, I see tears in his eyes. I see that he too is on the verge of a depression. I imagine his life unemployed, with the sick wife and two children. I asked him if his wife has followed. He assures me they see a therapist every two weeks. We talk a bit about what is postnatal depression and I ask, if his wife is breastfeeding. I said yes. With my primitive English, I said she should stop, because depression is often linked to hormonal balance. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it. But I also see in his eyes as if his wife stops breastfeeding, they will have to feed the child in another way. Better in a month. When Toyota rehire.
The mental illnesses are horrible. And they are especially if you're poor. I do my volunteer association which are all types of people. Alzheimer's disease does not discriminate. But I see from the poor is a disease more difficult. Because they can not afford a home help. Sometimes it's neighbors to help, fortunately. Also, the public health care system is not the same. Public physicians have no time to listen to the patient's family to distinguish whether the patient has hallucinations, if delusional, or conversely if he sleeps all day. So, for the poor, care is more difficult, also because the "good" moments with the patient are rare. And there are financial concerns added. This poor
Chile scares me. I know that my worries are small concerns. It this, Chile: rich neighborhoods with their lives and fliquée isolated and poor areas where people live as they can ...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Pokemon Heart Gold Rom Us
My quiet weekend and what happens in Chile with the police and the windows
work in our bathroom were long gone. Finally, we have a board around sink that is not rotten. The faucet still drop, but the cosmonaut who promised to change it. One day. In a moment, as the Chileans say.
Friday I bought a DVD player which the seller told me that I have no problem seeing all formats. So I planned an evening with the Czech political satire of the 90s called Ceska soda because I thought the Cosmonaut would not be too interested in seeing it when it comes Telescope. But no. You knew that the Earth is divided into areas which prevents viewing of DVDs Europeans outside Europe? Without doubt that Chileans can not see how they make fun of our president. And especially the Chinese, who are in a separate area for them that they can not see, I think. And for us, we can not see the DVDs from China, pirated, what would impoverish large producers. Nice plot of capitalism with communism. So, as my drive came from my DVDs and zone four zone two was dead. No political satire, no Medvedi z Kolin The two little bears with big non-stop mistreating the little (yeah!), no Maxipes Fik, the dog who drank too much beer that has stunted his growth (yeah, absolutely, we must prohibit Czechs pollute the planet with their animated movies!).
I try to reason with the reader up to two hours of morning. The next day I decided to make a bold matte, which proved impossible. because we can not penetrate, but the neighbor who lives in the house opposite, he is free of the rules of our building, and suddenly, it refiat his house at nine. The hammer that smashed the walls of course do lot of vibration, and cars in the street loved her alarm noise generally. Fortunately, I kept the kit to sleep on the plane. Crew needed for Chile. I put balls of cash (I'm sorry for spelling if not correct, but I could not find the written word nulepart, or the product itself ...) and slept until noon.
Once standing, I received a response from Thomas, a Swiss who is the expert ordis. He said he just press stop, after pausing, hit a six-digit PIN, then pause ... and there it was! I could not believe it. How People invent stuff like this?
the afternoon, I went to classes with JB and Matilda. I dare not go to town with Pathfinder, because I know if I crushed someone, I could crush him well. And I do not want trouble. But who knows. The police walk in a very interesting here. You're forced to go with every bullshit if you want your insurance company pays compensation. So for example, too, when a small stone makes a small hole in your windshield. You must go see the police to investiguent the accident.
As they investigated the accident and JB Matilda on Friday. Our friends was stupid enough to observe the stop sign behind them that the taxi did not meet or can even be seen. The taxi driver, a little man with no teeth, had no insurance on his car, and friends saw that he must not have a bank account that would pay him compensation. And since they did not want to pay, they said they could say they have found their crashed car in a parking lot. By going to the police, Mathilde has said that still is a bit hot to lie to police. And he saw that it was not like she said? She therefore urged to go to police with the driver and say little truth. At last she said: "But otherwise it could have happened in a parking lot, as Mr. does not have insurance ...". The officer looked at him, surprised: "But you want it to be him who pays or insurance?" "Bah, insurance," Matilda said: "It's just that I did not lie ..." "But now, it's not a lie, they just give this version." The officer said and he concluded his investigation as an accident in the parking lot.
Bah, one can say they are parked on the stop for a while ...
life insurance companies in Chile, it is not easy.
In the supermarket we went on Saturday afternoon, I bought my little fertilizer for plants. Chilean buildings before their windows sometimes has a chute that is intended to hold flowers and is called a jardineira . Moreover, in our building, it is forbidden to set the clothes in sight, like on the balcony. It's ugly and neighbors complain that they do not want to live in an ugly building. In a building with lots of plants. Suddenly, there is a lot of neighbors who have their windows before the Amazonian forest. The Chileans, who are not bothered by noise, are also not at all bothered by the fact that their apartment is very dark.
The forest that could hide the machine, especially the cache dirty windows. Car Wash windows, this is not a simple trick. Already arrived, I thought that the windows of our apartments are very dirty and b, we can not open the windows as European, that can slide on one side, which makes the glass outer leaves still outside the apartment. But I did not relied on my intuition and I stayed in my denial of the facts even when I saw our neighbor to the first floor washing windows on a ladder leaning on the wall outside the building. I I'm told he loves may be risking his life, but I did not think I will be obliged either to accept the dirty windows, or put my harness and hang out. I was sure that even if I, with my brain European, I can not wash his windows, Chileans must have a trick. I asked Victoria, a lady who helps with the housework, so she could wash the windows. She said it was not possible to wash them because they must be recovered. "Exit?" I said. But the windows do not have borders like the doors ... "Yes, get out." Victoria replied: "You leave everything. But my husband, he knows how. He does it and I I go back and I wash them. Like that, it goes fast. "Ah yes. OK, you leave everything, there remains only the wall. It must be said that Santiago, in the beginning, there were only houses without floors. And Suddenly he was formerly possible to wash the windows outside. And nobody says it less convenient evening with buildings of 30 floors. And I understood why between window and wall he is a hole an inch and why there is no insulation. Well, we're going to wash the windows, once for all before the winter and then it will foam insulation. Anyway, there are a lot of our neighbors who do not wash the windows of everything. that, it does not interfere with the beauty of our building. And imagine how the windows in Santiago can become dirty with all the pollution there a.
So I decided I'm going to hide behind the dirty windows rainforest and bought a natural fertilizer. When I opened the window to put it, I told myself that today, Santiago and Mapucho stink really hard. But it was later that I realized that this is not Santiago, that stinks, that's my pretty plants. You get to imagine the smell of the toilets after a second day in a music festival. Well, that's it. So maybe Plants will grow, but I will not open my window dirty.
Sunday, JB, Mathilde, their kids and I, we went to the Colina Village to see a religious festival Quasimodo. This festival has gradually developed the habit of the priests who went to see the Easter people still in their homes to give them the host. As the priests carried with them religious objects, and therefore the valuables, the huasos them together to protect them from thieves. Huaso is the Chilean version of Cowboy. You can easily see out
Santiago and think you're on the set a western. But no. The gentleman sitting on his horse, with his shirt that has lived with his characteristic hat, who suddenly appears on the road, it's just a local villager. Huaso .
At present, Quasimodo is a kind of parade huasos proud. The huasos in a costume appropriate to the party with their wives and children, spend on their horses through their villages and finally to meet in a parade Colina infinite
And we go out to see. We saw horses, the parade, but mostly we spent an afternoon in the park although Chile with all generations Chileans who sleep, eat, play, play with Colo Colo fans who make the round to be able to afford entry to the stadium with music with the children who ride on
s vehicles leased with dogs, which in this restless noise, sleep as usual.
I am well rested.
Friday I bought a DVD player which the seller told me that I have no problem seeing all formats. So I planned an evening with the Czech political satire of the 90s called Ceska soda because I thought the Cosmonaut would not be too interested in seeing it when it comes Telescope. But no. You knew that the Earth is divided into areas which prevents viewing of DVDs Europeans outside Europe? Without doubt that Chileans can not see how they make fun of our president. And especially the Chinese, who are in a separate area for them that they can not see, I think. And for us, we can not see the DVDs from China, pirated, what would impoverish large producers. Nice plot of capitalism with communism. So, as my drive came from my DVDs and zone four zone two was dead. No political satire, no Medvedi z Kolin The two little bears with big non-stop mistreating the little (yeah!), no Maxipes Fik, the dog who drank too much beer that has stunted his growth (yeah, absolutely, we must prohibit Czechs pollute the planet with their animated movies!).
I try to reason with the reader up to two hours of morning. The next day I decided to make a bold matte, which proved impossible. because we can not penetrate, but the neighbor who lives in the house opposite, he is free of the rules of our building, and suddenly, it refiat his house at nine. The hammer that smashed the walls of course do lot of vibration, and cars in the street loved her alarm noise generally. Fortunately, I kept the kit to sleep on the plane. Crew needed for Chile. I put balls of cash (I'm sorry for spelling if not correct, but I could not find the written word nulepart, or the product itself ...) and slept until noon.
Once standing, I received a response from Thomas, a Swiss who is the expert ordis. He said he just press stop, after pausing, hit a six-digit PIN, then pause ... and there it was! I could not believe it. How People invent stuff like this?
the afternoon, I went to classes with JB and Matilda. I dare not go to town with Pathfinder, because I know if I crushed someone, I could crush him well. And I do not want trouble. But who knows. The police walk in a very interesting here. You're forced to go with every bullshit if you want your insurance company pays compensation. So for example, too, when a small stone makes a small hole in your windshield. You must go see the police to investiguent the accident.
As they investigated the accident and JB Matilda on Friday. Our friends was stupid enough to observe the stop sign behind them that the taxi did not meet or can even be seen. The taxi driver, a little man with no teeth, had no insurance on his car, and friends saw that he must not have a bank account that would pay him compensation. And since they did not want to pay, they said they could say they have found their crashed car in a parking lot. By going to the police, Mathilde has said that still is a bit hot to lie to police. And he saw that it was not like she said? She therefore urged to go to police with the driver and say little truth. At last she said: "But otherwise it could have happened in a parking lot, as Mr. does not have insurance ...". The officer looked at him, surprised: "But you want it to be him who pays or insurance?" "Bah, insurance," Matilda said: "It's just that I did not lie ..." "But now, it's not a lie, they just give this version." The officer said and he concluded his investigation as an accident in the parking lot.
Bah, one can say they are parked on the stop for a while ...
life insurance companies in Chile, it is not easy.
In the supermarket we went on Saturday afternoon, I bought my little fertilizer for plants. Chilean buildings before their windows sometimes has a chute that is intended to hold flowers and is called a jardineira . Moreover, in our building, it is forbidden to set the clothes in sight, like on the balcony. It's ugly and neighbors complain that they do not want to live in an ugly building. In a building with lots of plants. Suddenly, there is a lot of neighbors who have their windows before the Amazonian forest. The Chileans, who are not bothered by noise, are also not at all bothered by the fact that their apartment is very dark.
The forest that could hide the machine, especially the cache dirty windows. Car Wash windows, this is not a simple trick. Already arrived, I thought that the windows of our apartments are very dirty and b, we can not open the windows as European, that can slide on one side, which makes the glass outer leaves still outside the apartment. But I did not relied on my intuition and I stayed in my denial of the facts even when I saw our neighbor to the first floor washing windows on a ladder leaning on the wall outside the building. I I'm told he loves may be risking his life, but I did not think I will be obliged either to accept the dirty windows, or put my harness and hang out. I was sure that even if I, with my brain European, I can not wash his windows, Chileans must have a trick. I asked Victoria, a lady who helps with the housework, so she could wash the windows. She said it was not possible to wash them because they must be recovered. "Exit?" I said. But the windows do not have borders like the doors ... "Yes, get out." Victoria replied: "You leave everything. But my husband, he knows how. He does it and I I go back and I wash them. Like that, it goes fast. "Ah yes. OK, you leave everything, there remains only the wall. It must be said that Santiago, in the beginning, there were only houses without floors. And Suddenly he was formerly possible to wash the windows outside. And nobody says it less convenient evening with buildings of 30 floors. And I understood why between window and wall he is a hole an inch and why there is no insulation. Well, we're going to wash the windows, once for all before the winter and then it will foam insulation. Anyway, there are a lot of our neighbors who do not wash the windows of everything. that, it does not interfere with the beauty of our building. And imagine how the windows in Santiago can become dirty with all the pollution there a.
So I decided I'm going to hide behind the dirty windows rainforest and bought a natural fertilizer. When I opened the window to put it, I told myself that today, Santiago and Mapucho stink really hard. But it was later that I realized that this is not Santiago, that stinks, that's my pretty plants. You get to imagine the smell of the toilets after a second day in a music festival. Well, that's it. So maybe Plants will grow, but I will not open my window dirty.
At present, Quasimodo is a kind of parade huasos proud. The huasos in a costume appropriate to the party with their wives and children, spend on their horses through their villages and finally to meet in a parade Colina infinite
And we go out to see. We saw horses, the parade, but mostly we spent an afternoon in the park although Chile with all generations Chileans who sleep, eat, play, play with Colo Colo fans who make the round to be able to afford entry to the stadium with music with the children who ride on
I am well rested.
Friday, April 17, 2009
What Is The Average Annual Rainfall Of Egypt
Freemasons among us
Journal Article " TRUTH" (French Canadian Vigilance Committee), May 1963
The Freemasons are among us ... DR JACQUES ROUSSEAU
ACCUSED (botanist)
"Truth, Justice, whatever the cost" is the goal of the Committee of Vigilance. That's why we open our readers the record Jacques Rousseau.
Dr. Jacques Rousseau is considered one of the few French-Canadian scholars who have achieved international fame. He has published over 450 (four hundred fifty) studies scientists. It is known in science as the leading international expert in botany. Many plants bear his name. Jacques Rousseau has received honorary degrees from around the world.
His brother (Andrew) was minister in Quebec City last government Lesage. Two of her brothers died for the liberation of France as an officer in the Canadian Army.
Dr. Rousseau is not about politics. It is not linked to any party. He is a man of science, who wants an honest and objective.
In November 1956, Dr. Jacques Rousseau was appointed director of the Museum of Man in Ottawa.
On 28 February 1959 the Government of Mr. Diefenbaker thanked him for his services by decree.
Dr. Jacques Rousseau accuses ... He denounced the Anglo-Saxon groups and Freemasonry, he explains that to achieve a high position in government, you must:
1. - Be yourself a Freemason;
2. - Or collude with Freemasonry;
3. - Or even succeed in being accepted by "concessions" that are very similar to licking the boots of prolonged Anglo-Saxon ... or Masonic.
The Committee of Vigilance brings you the overwhelming testimony of Jacques Rousseau.
"Great Masonic. I have many friends who are Anglo-Saxon Masons. And who are more decent. What they see in the masonry, is the ideal of mutual aid. But as careerists enter the box, this ideal will be immediately turned to their advantage and necessarily directed against other people.
1. When I introduced myself to the civil service examination at the request of the then government to apply for the post of Director of National Museum, he has committed all sorts of irregularities including the Assistant Deputy Minister of Ministry North Side Ernest, was the center, and that in order to eliminate me. Ernest Cote, suspected of being a member of the masonry, then told me: "Masonry is against you." Two years later, citing this sentence Faibish Roy, secretary of the Minister of Northern, I knew Mason (because he wore the button on the lapel ad hoc), it became very angry, as if he had discovered a gesture of betrayal. It made me confirm the above sentence, told me to be sure it was Ernest Côté told me that and not another. Then he added: "Cote is going to hear about it."
2. The Honorable Lesage, then minister of North Side and announce to me that my appointment is in two stages. They call me first to the rank of division director, then a few months later, give me the rank of deputy minister. Indeed, if I agreed to go to Ottawa, it is only with the rank of deputy minister. I realized later that it was time for me to enter the "club" appropriate.
3. The next day I arrived in Ottawa, Marius Barbeau insists that I go to a meeting which concerned mainly the metropolitan district of Ottawa and the Art Gallery. I found there including a large industrial Ottawa, which invited me to lunch in the past two or three days. For dessert, it gives me first to join the "club" Rideau then enter "In the group The Whole That has influence in Government circles. We Have A Few French Canadians, and your qualifications and According To position one you are eligible. I Guarantee your admission. " I politely declined saying that I belong to any group and I am not interested in either the Knights of Columbus and the Ordre de Jacques Cartier while that does not underestimating the interests of these groups and fully understanding that people aspire to become members, it was the nature of my job (Director of the Museum of Mankind),
asking me to have cordial relations with all ethnic and religious country, I suggested to refrain from joining a closed movement. "Think about it said the industry is that there is any influence, and this is essential if you ride the next level (there was a level above that of sub Minister) and that you have the opportunity to increase your income. "
Since then, two masons, one in Montreal, one in Europe, told me spontaneously, "I received an invitation to become a mason and I had declined. The European added: "If I knew you would not remain." The Canadian told me (there are only a few weeks): "Once you were tagged and placed on the enemies list."
4. A few days after lunch with the manufacturer, my subordinate Marcel Rioux, son of Marius Barbeau, came into my office and spoke spontaneously of masonry as follows: "Here," he told me he is important for an institution to be director of masonry. Father Levesque believes that we have the right to belong in these conditions, even as Catholics. "
5. During this conversation, Rioux I suggest entering a movement that aims "to install in Quebec secular schools, eliminate the current superstition reigns and return to the parish priests sacristy their field. " Maurice Lamontagne and ( Eugene) Bussières today's Arts Council, are also included. Rioux adds that there is no hope as Duplessis came to power and it will probably take five or ten years is to say, the advent of the Liberals in power. I replied that parents are sovereign in education their children. I'd be willing to help Muslim parents who want to establish here a Koranic school. I recognize that agnostics have the right to give their children education agnostic. If I was an agnostic myself, my children certainly will not go to Mass and in schools run by communities. As I pay now to give private lessons and Catholics to my children, I would do well to raise them into agnosticism if such was my state of mind. Rioux A report that just completely atheist, I declare myself surprised that he sends his children in Catholic convents instead public schools in Ottawa and it makes them go to church. He replied that in the current context, this is needed to not have too much difficulty.
6. I refused to enter the two movements. From that moment, Barbeau and Rioux, which until my arrival in Ottawa invited me to sleep and take meals with them, not me never again invited back and have become decidedly hostile to me. A few days later Rioux told me his intention to leave for the University of Montreal, where the rector Lussier, it seems inviting him to become director of the Faculty of Social Sciences. About Barbeau, he continued to beg for personal favors, but no longer makes any collaboration. Rioux, for its part took care to systematically undermine me with Maurice Lamontagne, Councillor for St. Lawrence. At that point one day meeting with St. Lawrence at a reception at the Embassy of Ireland during the St. Patrick's Day, three months after taking office, Saint-Laurent I abruptly turned his back when I had mentioned my name . I would like to add that St. Lawrence had led me to the open hand, inviting me to decline my names and titles with the question: "Sir?" apparently taking me to a foreign diplomat.
7. Before I take my job, my appointment was held November 15 and I took office on 1 January 1957, Rioux Montreal calls me to tell me that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Ernest Cote, archaeologist and MacNeish itself, Rioux, had decided to dismiss an archaeologist named Thomas Lee , I had never met. If I agreed, would draft the recommendation side by MacNeish and Russell (Director of the Museum of Natural History and Acting Director of the Museum of Mankind). The reason was that Lee did "not want to collaborate with colleagues." "It was not, "said Rioux, who asked a question in itself an urgent solution, but we wanted to take this opportunity. As it was Anglo-Saxon and French-Canadian myself, I would not wear the odious burden of having fired a person from another ethnic group. Anyway, Rioux added, if the thing does not happen immediately, I would find out at my appointment and that the thing I needed to make that decision. "
I'm me and I objected, I said I'd take my responsibilities. And moreover, I object to what is fired anyone during the 45 days between my appointment and I took office, to unless new developments occur, scandals, etc ... requiring rapid action. Do not know yet Rioux, and MacNeish, I was convinced they were right and I would have to dismiss Lee. So I began investigating the day of my arrival at the office Jan. 2, 1957. I discovered that the charges against Lee were groundless, he was the most skilful archaeologist of the country that had the greatest archaeological discoveries in Canada and that earned him the animosity of MacNeish, and another archaeologist of the Museum, an ambitious named Taylor who incidentally had received Lee's first training archaeological. I discovered that Lee, instead of the mania of persecution, as I had said, was actually persecuted. Following my departure, Lee resigned knowing he had no chance. The Deputy Minister also side had done everything to discredit Lee to me, presenting false reports.
8. It is important here to mention MacNeish, archaeologist. He is a former boxer from Chicago, a featherweight champion. It needs no more to know that he attended the underworld, since professional sports such as wrestling, is in the hands of the underworld. Man of no ethics. Sot, making proposals to any woman he found attractive. No professional ethics: he falsified accounts and even science. The minister knew that. I spoke one day to the secretary of the minister, Roy Faibish, and he said: "For no consideration, MacNeish can go. And as he does not agree with Lee, Lee who is from . But I knew that Faibish was a mason. One day in my office the fighter archaeologist, MacNeish, I had just caught in the act of impropriety raised fists against me but failed to touch me just because the desk between us and it was too small. There was a witness at the scene. Following this, Ernest Côté told me that since there was disagreement between me and my subordinate MacNeish I should leave.
9. I recommend one day promotion of an Irish Catholic. He did fulfill a post but did not give him proper treatment. "These people, my side says, are our enemies." If the person in question was of masonry, the promotion will be made. I got confirmation when we tried to impose on me a mason, incompetent other. No recommendation of the Director of the Museum was followed. It was always against.
10. One day I was summoned urgently to the civil service because a candidate for a senior post in the museum was by chance coming to town and wanted to take this opportunity to examine him and thus avoid costs. I knew during the subsequent meeting that his travel expenses were paid by the Civil Service Commission. The person in question came under discussion with the insignia of Masonry, the triangle and square, large (about two or three inches high) pinned to the jacket. All other board members, members of the civil service and the director Museum of Natural History, are the wonderful and want to engage the bench. Yet, the candidate had behaved like an idiot. At this time, I produced a letter from the direction of the British Museum from which I was informed after he learned through an indiscretion that we envisaged the appointment of that person. The letter writer said that one who had an opinion on the candidate and who was one of the greatest authorities of museums in England was: "most emphatic in us not to Employ Recommending that man".
11. Invited by Diefenbaker to go to his office (when I was asked in the interview stating that I had only two mornings at my disposal, which was perhaps impertinent), Diefenbaker wonder abruptly after 50 minutes of conversation - "What is this sex affair That Is reproached to you". I jump and leap in indignation at such a lie. "But he says it is the case that you are charged in the report of Deputy Minister."
- "But I replied, I've never seen that report to the Deputy Minister and we will not even tell me what the charges are against me. They told me the Deputy Minister Robertson confidential. " Diefenbaker then changed the subject, declaring myself that I may be unfairly attacked, but is not capable of investigating over its ministers and must give them their responsibilities. A few hours later, Roy Faibish, Secretary to the Minister Alvin Hamilton, then minister of the North, call me, indignant, almost in tears, told me that he and his minister were, to be yelled at by Diefenbaker and this might have for them unfortunate consequences.
12. I asked at the same time an interview with Robertson, of the executive body of the union which I belonged. I asked to see and read the report forthwith cons moi.Robertson I declare that the report as the charges are confidential. The group union behaved very badly, asking only for routine matters and avoiding to intervene to support the claim. In this interview, Roy Faibish Secretary to the Minister Alvin Hamilton was present and wore his badge with morgue Masonic large model similar to that which had brought the candidate to review the civil service.
13. when I was based in France at the Sorbonne, the secretary of a member to me nice, but seemed to belong to the masonry, a party leader then (Hazen Argue), made me say I do never had to try to return to Canada "that I Would Be crucified" and that even French Canadian institutions would be closed to me. Indeed, just when McGill was ready to call me, the case has fallen sharply. Same thing at the University of Montreal. At Laval was also tried to prevent me from being appointed and was Archbishop Vachon, the appointment would not have made.
14. The Honorable Chevrier, who among the Anglo-Saxons from Ottawa to the reputation of being a notorious Freemason wrote to my brother (who was Liberal minister in Quebec) that he and his party refused to do anything whether in my favor because "I had shown little sympathy for some of theirs. "But these people were only MacNeish, which has nothing to do with the Liberal Party, the Deputy Minister as an official side that did not take part in the policy of admission even Roy Faibish had betrayed the Liberals by giving the information to the Conservative cabinet, and Marcel Rioux, a government official (which is still true to the liberal policy even under Conservative rule) The authorities of the department knew it, but this activity was directed only against the National Union and especially Maurice Duplessis. Finally, Marius Barbeau, considered by all the people of Ottawa as a mason and non-party. Chevrier's friends talking about seem to people the "club" rather than party people. If Barbeau rebelled against me only because he asked for favors such an ineligible credits at the expense of museum members, delete the publication of research staff to publish more of his own work. Etc ...
15. I head one day with the Civil Service for the choice of administrative officer at the Museum. In the opinion of members of the Anglo-Saxon jury, a French Canadian, Edgar M. Charron is the only suitably qualified, I accept their decision and Charron was appointed. When I hear the news Ernest Cote, he enters in a fury and said that I should have blocked the appointment: "Remember that you and I are French Canadian and we have no incentive to name others."
16. After my departure, the Minister Alvin Hamilton met senior officials of his ministry, all Anglo-Saxon (I like the intelligence of a witness Anglo-Saxon) and declares that they have done a service by getting rid of me the reasons for my departure are not the ones cited, it has managed to silence all but two newspapers in the country and intends to shortly take steps to to silence members of the CCF who took my Defence. "As I helped you, he says he'll have to hire you to help me at least a few junior officials of the French language to show the électrat" Ottawa "is not against the Province of Quebec.
Dr. Jacques Rousseau.
Journal Article " TRUTH" (French Canadian Vigilance Committee), May 1963
The Freemasons are among us ... DR JACQUES ROUSSEAU
ACCUSED (botanist)
"Truth, Justice, whatever the cost" is the goal of the Committee of Vigilance. That's why we open our readers the record Jacques Rousseau.
Dr. Jacques Rousseau is considered one of the few French-Canadian scholars who have achieved international fame. He has published over 450 (four hundred fifty) studies scientists. It is known in science as the leading international expert in botany. Many plants bear his name. Jacques Rousseau has received honorary degrees from around the world.
His brother (Andrew) was minister in Quebec City last government Lesage. Two of her brothers died for the liberation of France as an officer in the Canadian Army.
Dr. Rousseau is not about politics. It is not linked to any party. He is a man of science, who wants an honest and objective.
In November 1956, Dr. Jacques Rousseau was appointed director of the Museum of Man in Ottawa.
On 28 February 1959 the Government of Mr. Diefenbaker thanked him for his services by decree.
Dr. Jacques Rousseau accuses ... He denounced the Anglo-Saxon groups and Freemasonry, he explains that to achieve a high position in government, you must:
1. - Be yourself a Freemason;
2. - Or collude with Freemasonry;
3. - Or even succeed in being accepted by "concessions" that are very similar to licking the boots of prolonged Anglo-Saxon ... or Masonic.
The Committee of Vigilance brings you the overwhelming testimony of Jacques Rousseau.
"Great Masonic. I have many friends who are Anglo-Saxon Masons. And who are more decent. What they see in the masonry, is the ideal of mutual aid. But as careerists enter the box, this ideal will be immediately turned to their advantage and necessarily directed against other people.
1. When I introduced myself to the civil service examination at the request of the then government to apply for the post of Director of National Museum, he has committed all sorts of irregularities including the Assistant Deputy Minister of Ministry North Side Ernest, was the center, and that in order to eliminate me. Ernest Cote, suspected of being a member of the masonry, then told me: "Masonry is against you." Two years later, citing this sentence Faibish Roy, secretary of the Minister of Northern, I knew Mason (because he wore the button on the lapel ad hoc), it became very angry, as if he had discovered a gesture of betrayal. It made me confirm the above sentence, told me to be sure it was Ernest Côté told me that and not another. Then he added: "Cote is going to hear about it."
2. The Honorable Lesage, then minister of North Side and announce to me that my appointment is in two stages. They call me first to the rank of division director, then a few months later, give me the rank of deputy minister. Indeed, if I agreed to go to Ottawa, it is only with the rank of deputy minister. I realized later that it was time for me to enter the "club" appropriate.
3. The next day I arrived in Ottawa, Marius Barbeau insists that I go to a meeting which concerned mainly the metropolitan district of Ottawa and the Art Gallery. I found there including a large industrial Ottawa, which invited me to lunch in the past two or three days. For dessert, it gives me first to join the "club" Rideau then enter "In the group The Whole That has influence in Government circles. We Have A Few French Canadians, and your qualifications and According To position one you are eligible. I Guarantee your admission. " I politely declined saying that I belong to any group and I am not interested in either the Knights of Columbus and the Ordre de Jacques Cartier while that does not underestimating the interests of these groups and fully understanding that people aspire to become members, it was the nature of my job (Director of the Museum of Mankind),
asking me to have cordial relations with all ethnic and religious country, I suggested to refrain from joining a closed movement. "Think about it said the industry is that there is any influence, and this is essential if you ride the next level (there was a level above that of sub Minister) and that you have the opportunity to increase your income. "
Since then, two masons, one in Montreal, one in Europe, told me spontaneously, "I received an invitation to become a mason and I had declined. The European added: "If I knew you would not remain." The Canadian told me (there are only a few weeks): "Once you were tagged and placed on the enemies list."
4. A few days after lunch with the manufacturer, my subordinate Marcel Rioux, son of Marius Barbeau, came into my office and spoke spontaneously of masonry as follows: "Here," he told me he is important for an institution to be director of masonry. Father Levesque believes that we have the right to belong in these conditions, even as Catholics. "
5. During this conversation, Rioux I suggest entering a movement that aims "to install in Quebec secular schools, eliminate the current superstition reigns and return to the parish priests sacristy their field. " Maurice Lamontagne and ( Eugene) Bussières today's Arts Council, are also included. Rioux adds that there is no hope as Duplessis came to power and it will probably take five or ten years is to say, the advent of the Liberals in power. I replied that parents are sovereign in education their children. I'd be willing to help Muslim parents who want to establish here a Koranic school. I recognize that agnostics have the right to give their children education agnostic. If I was an agnostic myself, my children certainly will not go to Mass and in schools run by communities. As I pay now to give private lessons and Catholics to my children, I would do well to raise them into agnosticism if such was my state of mind. Rioux A report that just completely atheist, I declare myself surprised that he sends his children in Catholic convents instead public schools in Ottawa and it makes them go to church. He replied that in the current context, this is needed to not have too much difficulty.
6. I refused to enter the two movements. From that moment, Barbeau and Rioux, which until my arrival in Ottawa invited me to sleep and take meals with them, not me never again invited back and have become decidedly hostile to me. A few days later Rioux told me his intention to leave for the University of Montreal, where the rector Lussier, it seems inviting him to become director of the Faculty of Social Sciences. About Barbeau, he continued to beg for personal favors, but no longer makes any collaboration. Rioux, for its part took care to systematically undermine me with Maurice Lamontagne, Councillor for St. Lawrence. At that point one day meeting with St. Lawrence at a reception at the Embassy of Ireland during the St. Patrick's Day, three months after taking office, Saint-Laurent I abruptly turned his back when I had mentioned my name . I would like to add that St. Lawrence had led me to the open hand, inviting me to decline my names and titles with the question: "Sir?" apparently taking me to a foreign diplomat.
7. Before I take my job, my appointment was held November 15 and I took office on 1 January 1957, Rioux Montreal calls me to tell me that the Assistant Deputy Minister, Ernest Cote, archaeologist and MacNeish itself, Rioux, had decided to dismiss an archaeologist named Thomas Lee , I had never met. If I agreed, would draft the recommendation side by MacNeish and Russell (Director of the Museum of Natural History and Acting Director of the Museum of Mankind). The reason was that Lee did "not want to collaborate with colleagues." "It was not, "said Rioux, who asked a question in itself an urgent solution, but we wanted to take this opportunity. As it was Anglo-Saxon and French-Canadian myself, I would not wear the odious burden of having fired a person from another ethnic group. Anyway, Rioux added, if the thing does not happen immediately, I would find out at my appointment and that the thing I needed to make that decision. "
I'm me and I objected, I said I'd take my responsibilities. And moreover, I object to what is fired anyone during the 45 days between my appointment and I took office, to unless new developments occur, scandals, etc ... requiring rapid action. Do not know yet Rioux, and MacNeish, I was convinced they were right and I would have to dismiss Lee. So I began investigating the day of my arrival at the office Jan. 2, 1957. I discovered that the charges against Lee were groundless, he was the most skilful archaeologist of the country that had the greatest archaeological discoveries in Canada and that earned him the animosity of MacNeish, and another archaeologist of the Museum, an ambitious named Taylor who incidentally had received Lee's first training archaeological. I discovered that Lee, instead of the mania of persecution, as I had said, was actually persecuted. Following my departure, Lee resigned knowing he had no chance. The Deputy Minister also side had done everything to discredit Lee to me, presenting false reports.
8. It is important here to mention MacNeish, archaeologist. He is a former boxer from Chicago, a featherweight champion. It needs no more to know that he attended the underworld, since professional sports such as wrestling, is in the hands of the underworld. Man of no ethics. Sot, making proposals to any woman he found attractive. No professional ethics: he falsified accounts and even science. The minister knew that. I spoke one day to the secretary of the minister, Roy Faibish, and he said: "For no consideration, MacNeish can go. And as he does not agree with Lee, Lee who is from . But I knew that Faibish was a mason. One day in my office the fighter archaeologist, MacNeish, I had just caught in the act of impropriety raised fists against me but failed to touch me just because the desk between us and it was too small. There was a witness at the scene. Following this, Ernest Côté told me that since there was disagreement between me and my subordinate MacNeish I should leave.
9. I recommend one day promotion of an Irish Catholic. He did fulfill a post but did not give him proper treatment. "These people, my side says, are our enemies." If the person in question was of masonry, the promotion will be made. I got confirmation when we tried to impose on me a mason, incompetent other. No recommendation of the Director of the Museum was followed. It was always against.
10. One day I was summoned urgently to the civil service because a candidate for a senior post in the museum was by chance coming to town and wanted to take this opportunity to examine him and thus avoid costs. I knew during the subsequent meeting that his travel expenses were paid by the Civil Service Commission. The person in question came under discussion with the insignia of Masonry, the triangle and square, large (about two or three inches high) pinned to the jacket. All other board members, members of the civil service and the director Museum of Natural History, are the wonderful and want to engage the bench. Yet, the candidate had behaved like an idiot. At this time, I produced a letter from the direction of the British Museum from which I was informed after he learned through an indiscretion that we envisaged the appointment of that person. The letter writer said that one who had an opinion on the candidate and who was one of the greatest authorities of museums in England was: "most emphatic in us not to Employ Recommending that man".
11. Invited by Diefenbaker to go to his office (when I was asked in the interview stating that I had only two mornings at my disposal, which was perhaps impertinent), Diefenbaker wonder abruptly after 50 minutes of conversation - "What is this sex affair That Is reproached to you". I jump and leap in indignation at such a lie. "But he says it is the case that you are charged in the report of Deputy Minister."
- "But I replied, I've never seen that report to the Deputy Minister and we will not even tell me what the charges are against me. They told me the Deputy Minister Robertson confidential. " Diefenbaker then changed the subject, declaring myself that I may be unfairly attacked, but is not capable of investigating over its ministers and must give them their responsibilities. A few hours later, Roy Faibish, Secretary to the Minister Alvin Hamilton, then minister of the North, call me, indignant, almost in tears, told me that he and his minister were, to be yelled at by Diefenbaker and this might have for them unfortunate consequences.
12. I asked at the same time an interview with Robertson, of the executive body of the union which I belonged. I asked to see and read the report forthwith cons moi.Robertson I declare that the report as the charges are confidential. The group union behaved very badly, asking only for routine matters and avoiding to intervene to support the claim. In this interview, Roy Faibish Secretary to the Minister Alvin Hamilton was present and wore his badge with morgue Masonic large model similar to that which had brought the candidate to review the civil service.
13. when I was based in France at the Sorbonne, the secretary of a member to me nice, but seemed to belong to the masonry, a party leader then (Hazen Argue), made me say I do never had to try to return to Canada "that I Would Be crucified" and that even French Canadian institutions would be closed to me. Indeed, just when McGill was ready to call me, the case has fallen sharply. Same thing at the University of Montreal. At Laval was also tried to prevent me from being appointed and was Archbishop Vachon, the appointment would not have made.
14. The Honorable Chevrier, who among the Anglo-Saxons from Ottawa to the reputation of being a notorious Freemason wrote to my brother (who was Liberal minister in Quebec) that he and his party refused to do anything whether in my favor because "I had shown little sympathy for some of theirs. "But these people were only MacNeish, which has nothing to do with the Liberal Party, the Deputy Minister as an official side that did not take part in the policy of admission even Roy Faibish had betrayed the Liberals by giving the information to the Conservative cabinet, and Marcel Rioux, a government official (which is still true to the liberal policy even under Conservative rule) The authorities of the department knew it, but this activity was directed only against the National Union and especially Maurice Duplessis. Finally, Marius Barbeau, considered by all the people of Ottawa as a mason and non-party. Chevrier's friends talking about seem to people the "club" rather than party people. If Barbeau rebelled against me only because he asked for favors such an ineligible credits at the expense of museum members, delete the publication of research staff to publish more of his own work. Etc ...
15. I head one day with the Civil Service for the choice of administrative officer at the Museum. In the opinion of members of the Anglo-Saxon jury, a French Canadian, Edgar M. Charron is the only suitably qualified, I accept their decision and Charron was appointed. When I hear the news Ernest Cote, he enters in a fury and said that I should have blocked the appointment: "Remember that you and I are French Canadian and we have no incentive to name others."
16. After my departure, the Minister Alvin Hamilton met senior officials of his ministry, all Anglo-Saxon (I like the intelligence of a witness Anglo-Saxon) and declares that they have done a service by getting rid of me the reasons for my departure are not the ones cited, it has managed to silence all but two newspapers in the country and intends to shortly take steps to to silence members of the CCF who took my Defence. "As I helped you, he says he'll have to hire you to help me at least a few junior officials of the French language to show the électrat" Ottawa "is not against the Province of Quebec.
Dr. Jacques Rousseau.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Un Remove From Facebook Friend
Stay Zen Chile
I decided that I will not get angry because of the artisans who work with the precision that brings to the accuracy of station, I'm not going to get angry because of the regulation of noise our building and I'll accept the fact that in Chile, someone must always be at home, otherwise you will live in an apartment without furniture, where nothing works.
But remain calm in Chile ... would be difficult even for the Dalai Lama.
They were supposed to get the dishwasher last week. I had to leave so I left the keys from the guard. On leaving, I received a call from the store, they came in half an hour. Two hours later I received another call. The deliveryman, who had just arrived, I announced that the guard would not let him enter, because I did not say he could use those keys. So I gave a stroke of the pedals in my bike and in fifteen minutes, I'm back home.
We wanted to have the dishwasher soon. The artisan who was supposed to adjust the water discharge in order to connect the dishwasher we wanted to buy it first. He said he called the next day. There are more than a week we have the dishwasher and we are without news of him. Meanwhile, we use the dishwasher as a furniture show.
Right next to the dishwasher, I asked the board too long, because of the inability of shops to cut a board less than a meter long, which will one day hold the cooktop. But as it already has a furnace, it took an emergency cover this small piece of furniture that will cook more later. So we bought the remains of the shelves for 1 euro, it was fixed with adhesive tape and were asked the plate on that. All is well.
There are also work with our neighbors. Their craftsmen have not the area to be more accurate than ours, but they identified with extraordinary rapidity a pair of hiking boots that Cosmonaut left outside the door. Like shoes lying there since more than five minutes, they said that it wants to do more, and they took them. When I started looking for them, the owner apartment told me that it was his workers who had and that they would lead the next day. They took the shoes today and they asked for a premium because they have found . I told them that in Europe it does not get called, but fly.
To remain calm, I decided to go eat with Manka, girlfriend Czech, today at noon. But in the morning, maestro Rudi called to say he will come at 11:30 with a board to change the rotten plank in our bathroom. I told him that I had to leave at noon and he replied that it was not serious, he would come anyway. When he came, with Maestro Luciano, because they always come in pairs, he noticed they had forgot the glue. They left for him (both, of course) by saying he came back in fifteen minutes. By imagining our bathroom without the rotten plank and twisted, I called Manka told him that I would come later. About three minutes, Maestro Luciano is back and he started working. In five minutes, they realized that there is another thing it lacks.
Once he had everything and was able to start work, he needed a drill.
But in our building, we can make noise with a drill that up to 13 hours.
It was 12:52.
Manka I called to tell him that I would not come at all.
The Cosmonaut is Telescope.
There, he still has no room for the secretaries of the Observatory are unable to find him a room to him that all employees are entitled. Meanwhile, he squatted in other rooms, so it should work eleven nights (10 hours) frayed and it therefore needs to rest during the day. Arriving at the telescope, they told him they had found a room for one day and it should release the next day before noon. Briefly, after have work all night, he must wake up after three hours of sleep to move.
Also, the secretaries have discovered, after three months of our stay, and after having told us that all is well, the Centre does not recognize the PACS. They will no longer pay us the salary supplements and they do not care for my visa. I cease to exist for them.
If you have an idea how to remain calm, tell me.
I decided that I will not get angry because of the artisans who work with the precision that brings to the accuracy of station, I'm not going to get angry because of the regulation of noise our building and I'll accept the fact that in Chile, someone must always be at home, otherwise you will live in an apartment without furniture, where nothing works.
But remain calm in Chile ... would be difficult even for the Dalai Lama.
They were supposed to get the dishwasher last week. I had to leave so I left the keys from the guard. On leaving, I received a call from the store, they came in half an hour. Two hours later I received another call. The deliveryman, who had just arrived, I announced that the guard would not let him enter, because I did not say he could use those keys. So I gave a stroke of the pedals in my bike and in fifteen minutes, I'm back home.
We wanted to have the dishwasher soon. The artisan who was supposed to adjust the water discharge in order to connect the dishwasher we wanted to buy it first. He said he called the next day. There are more than a week we have the dishwasher and we are without news of him. Meanwhile, we use the dishwasher as a furniture show.
Right next to the dishwasher, I asked the board too long, because of the inability of shops to cut a board less than a meter long, which will one day hold the cooktop. But as it already has a furnace, it took an emergency cover this small piece of furniture that will cook more later. So we bought the remains of the shelves for 1 euro, it was fixed with adhesive tape and were asked the plate on that. All is well.
There are also work with our neighbors. Their craftsmen have not the area to be more accurate than ours, but they identified with extraordinary rapidity a pair of hiking boots that Cosmonaut left outside the door. Like shoes lying there since more than five minutes, they said that it wants to do more, and they took them. When I started looking for them, the owner apartment told me that it was his workers who had and that they would lead the next day. They took the shoes today and they asked for a premium because they have found . I told them that in Europe it does not get called, but fly.
To remain calm, I decided to go eat with Manka, girlfriend Czech, today at noon. But in the morning, maestro Rudi called to say he will come at 11:30 with a board to change the rotten plank in our bathroom. I told him that I had to leave at noon and he replied that it was not serious, he would come anyway. When he came, with Maestro Luciano, because they always come in pairs, he noticed they had forgot the glue. They left for him (both, of course) by saying he came back in fifteen minutes. By imagining our bathroom without the rotten plank and twisted, I called Manka told him that I would come later. About three minutes, Maestro Luciano is back and he started working. In five minutes, they realized that there is another thing it lacks.
Once he had everything and was able to start work, he needed a drill.
But in our building, we can make noise with a drill that up to 13 hours.
It was 12:52.
Manka I called to tell him that I would not come at all.
The Cosmonaut is Telescope.
There, he still has no room for the secretaries of the Observatory are unable to find him a room to him that all employees are entitled. Meanwhile, he squatted in other rooms, so it should work eleven nights (10 hours) frayed and it therefore needs to rest during the day. Arriving at the telescope, they told him they had found a room for one day and it should release the next day before noon. Briefly, after have work all night, he must wake up after three hours of sleep to move.
Also, the secretaries have discovered, after three months of our stay, and after having told us that all is well, the Centre does not recognize the PACS. They will no longer pay us the salary supplements and they do not care for my visa. I cease to exist for them.
If you have an idea how to remain calm, tell me.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Example Donation Request Letters For Churches
My first
I'm not going to talk or money or miles, but the altitude. This weekend, I have overcome the first 4000 meters, or more precisely 4368m. Of course, you can say that this is not even the Mont Blanc. In this case, just try!
Our journey started Saturday morning in Santiago, we were still reluctant to leave because it got lost somewhere in the south, and it is arrived at Cajon de Maipo to an hour. Cajon de Maipo is a canyon in south-east of Santiago. At its bottom, there is a village called Baños Morales, 93km from Santiago, that is two hours away.
Pathfinder led us to the bottom of the valley overlooked by the San Jose Volcano, 5,856 meters. The road was not paved and was full holes, so we did use the four four, but do not think that the Chileans can not pass with a Renault Megan we found the parking lot. A tip: in Chile, never buy a used car from town, you do not know what was with the owner.
We took our bags with food, clothing, sleeping bags, rope, crampons and ice axes, and it was gone. The plan was to arrive at base camp, that is about 1000 meters up, sleeping, the summit of Cerro Moai next day, down in the camp, and take the business down to the car. This plan, the cosmonaut has done with the help of Andeshandbook . I still have a board for you. The Andeshandbook is most likely done by people who do the Mont Blanc during their walk on Sunday afternoon. So instead of dividing the time of ride they give two, as we did in the Alps, roughly multiply by 1.5.
The first day, Saturday, so we rode for five hours with our huge bags in the base camp. As it was Easter, there were already two small groups of people in the camp. And as in Chile, it is a holiday Friday, not Monday as in Europe, the two groups came on the eve of the coup and on Saturday was their day of ascent. The first group had already returned from the summit. We asked them the way and they told us, jokingly, that if you wait a little, we will see the light of torches as the second group will use down as night began to fall. They advised us to leave at five o'clock in the morning, otherwise we will not go back to that day. Looking at the empty tents, we said, contemptuous, the second group, it must be the CFO on vacation, since they fail to do 900 meters in altitude in the day. Or maybe, it's lazy like us and he can not get up early? The cosmonaut has still noticed that the guys in the group who had already returned to the area have not yet sissy, they all climb in three days, not two, as new, it was expected. Sometimes you have to listen to what intuition tells you, but slowly fell asleep thinking of the 900 meters negligible as the next shoeing.
After nine o'clock, three hours after sunset, the second group returned.
We left at five o'clock in the morning under the moonlight. The mountains were barren. Nobody was climbing that day, so we knew we would only all day. And as the season finished normally in March, and it was only thanks to the extreme drought that could rise in April, it was clear that we will probably last on the summit until spring.
After about 100 vertical meters, we lost the trail and began to cross the moraine. And as the glacier melted, the moraine was miles away. We crossed the big stone for two hours. In the end, when we were more than 3500, I began to trail heavy legs, but he should continue to the glacier. I hate the glaciers, because there are cracks insidious, but at this time, I was excited about everything that is not a moraine.
And after another hour of crossing the moraine, my desire became reality. It was under the glacier. But, oops, also before an Andean phenomenon very specific to the penitents. I read in our book on the Andes as it exists and I thought it must be pretty and that with a little luck, I'll see one day. Well yes, not one, but a field. He said many in our book that one, it might be nice, but one field, it can prevent you from passing. And imagine that the penitents are so insidious that the photo they seem to be quite pretty and nice and you can not imagine that the galley is to the cross! And actually, the truth is that the galley, it does not translate in photos, but precisely in the absence photos, and we have not a single photo of the climb because they lacked the strength to do so. And especially not in the most difficult places. The photos I show you is going down we had them.
masses of ice that form the penitents leave holes at hand, which is clear if you know the law of the constancy of matter. The only possibility, how you can cross it to pass from one hole to another or if the holes are not too large, walk on the edges of the holes, but it is not possible here, where the penitents become. Try to climb 300 meters of vertical jumping fences and you will understand why there are plenty of mountaineers who can not make a record because of this phenomenon. Our book says that we must try to identify the penitents through the binoculars in advance and avoid them. Bah, look at the picture and tell me where you want to avoid, knowing that the rock is a pile of stones on a slope that leak.
By fighting with the penitents we saw about three cracks that I welcomed as friends who do a fair play. With rage, I cut the heads of penitents with my ax and I've really had enough. In a moment, I told myself that I'm already above 4000 meters, then it's done, but hey, the goal was a little higher.
So there is mounted. We went through all the penitents and wicked half past one, we were at the top. Our picture shows that c 'was the galley.
He had to descend. Cross again the field of penitents and the moraine. We thought that we will find a trail on the moraine we have missed the ascent, but no, there were only a piece of trail at the very end, otherwise, it would still pass through the stones. Well, down is easier. But on the other hand, you have to climb in your legs. And so, somewhere on the moraine, it was decided he should stay another night in the base camp and make the rest of the descent the following day.
We were in our tent even when it was daylight, but I must say that I got exhausted. I hurt everywhere, especially in the head and stomach. I could not even sit, I placed directly into the sleeping bag and I fell asleep for half an hour. Upon awakening, we took an aspirin, which is good against altitude sickness, and without dinner, we went to bed. It was only about eleven hours of the night, our bodies have recovered enough to wake us from starvation. It was a quick dinner and we had to sleep again
The next day we woke up around seven hours, we ate, we gathered our things and we went down the 1,000 meters remaining. Our only wish was to see Pathfinder and once we were there, the cosmonaut could not resist taking it photographed three times.
So here we are back in Santiago. The cosmonaut has to leave Thursday and Telescope so we will rest a little mountain. But despite the galley down, it has already started to discuss our upcoming trips.
PS The photos here are .
Our journey started Saturday morning in Santiago, we were still reluctant to leave because it got lost somewhere in the south, and it is arrived at Cajon de Maipo to an hour. Cajon de Maipo is a canyon in south-east of Santiago. At its bottom, there is a village called Baños Morales, 93km from Santiago, that is two hours away.
Pathfinder led us to the bottom of the valley overlooked by the San Jose Volcano, 5,856 meters. The road was not paved and was full holes, so we did use the four four, but do not think that the Chileans can not pass with a Renault Megan we found the parking lot. A tip: in Chile, never buy a used car from town, you do not know what was with the owner.
We took our bags with food, clothing, sleeping bags, rope, crampons and ice axes, and it was gone. The plan was to arrive at base camp, that is about 1000 meters up, sleeping, the summit of Cerro Moai next day, down in the camp, and take the business down to the car. This plan, the cosmonaut has done with the help of Andeshandbook . I still have a board for you. The Andeshandbook is most likely done by people who do the Mont Blanc during their walk on Sunday afternoon. So instead of dividing the time of ride they give two, as we did in the Alps, roughly multiply by 1.5.
The first day, Saturday, so we rode for five hours with our huge bags in the base camp. As it was Easter, there were already two small groups of people in the camp. And as in Chile, it is a holiday Friday, not Monday as in Europe, the two groups came on the eve of the coup and on Saturday was their day of ascent. The first group had already returned from the summit. We asked them the way and they told us, jokingly, that if you wait a little, we will see the light of torches as the second group will use down as night began to fall. They advised us to leave at five o'clock in the morning, otherwise we will not go back to that day. Looking at the empty tents, we said, contemptuous, the second group, it must be the CFO on vacation, since they fail to do 900 meters in altitude in the day. Or maybe, it's lazy like us and he can not get up early? The cosmonaut has still noticed that the guys in the group who had already returned to the area have not yet sissy, they all climb in three days, not two, as new, it was expected. Sometimes you have to listen to what intuition tells you, but slowly fell asleep thinking of the 900 meters negligible as the next shoeing.
After nine o'clock, three hours after sunset, the second group returned.
We left at five o'clock in the morning under the moonlight. The mountains were barren. Nobody was climbing that day, so we knew we would only all day. And as the season finished normally in March, and it was only thanks to the extreme drought that could rise in April, it was clear that we will probably last on the summit until spring.
By fighting with the penitents we saw about three cracks that I welcomed as friends who do a fair play. With rage, I cut the heads of penitents with my ax and I've really had enough. In a moment, I told myself that I'm already above 4000 meters, then it's done, but hey, the goal was a little higher.
So there is mounted. We went through all the penitents and wicked half past one, we were at the top. Our picture shows that c 'was the galley.
He had to descend. Cross again the field of penitents and the moraine. We thought that we will find a trail on the moraine we have missed the ascent, but no, there were only a piece of trail at the very end, otherwise, it would still pass through the stones. Well, down is easier. But on the other hand, you have to climb in your legs. And so, somewhere on the moraine, it was decided he should stay another night in the base camp and make the rest of the descent the following day.
The next day we woke up around seven hours, we ate, we gathered our things and we went down the 1,000 meters remaining. Our only wish was to see Pathfinder and once we were there, the cosmonaut could not resist taking it photographed three times.
So here we are back in Santiago. The cosmonaut has to leave Thursday and Telescope so we will rest a little mountain. But despite the galley down, it has already started to discuss our upcoming trips.
PS The photos here are .
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Is Impetigo Same In Dogs As Humans?
Other evidence of links between GODF the MLQ and the League of Rights and Freedoms, etc..
(see also in the same vein: Masonic medal of Rene Levesque )
Newspaper article:
Sunday Morning, May 5, 1985 By Jacques Francoeur
Thicket everywhere Even if it shock you ...
Things have changed:
Grand Master of Masons
will be welcomed everywhere.
Not so long ago, Quebec's reluctance to show that he was a freemason.
Today, things have changed. We welcome with open arms in Montreal this week, Roger Leray, president of the Grand Orient de France during the 10th anniversary of the Lodge Montcalm Montreal.
The Grand Orient de France includes 32 denominations belonging to the Masonic "Freemasonry democratic and liberal in the world." The Grand Orient of France exists elsewhere in Quebec since 1892 with the founding of the Lodge in Montreal Emancipation.
Wednesday noon, Mr. Leray deliver a talk at the Club St Lawrence Kiwanis Wednesday night at the University of Montreal under the auspices of the Philosophy Society. He will also meet leaders of lay movements in Quebec, the League of Rights and Freedom, Canada World Youth, etc. .
Mr Leray reaffirm that "understand what Freemasonry Freemasons" who are "seeking truth". He recalled that the Grand Orient of France, of which the Lodge Montcalm, "is not a religious sect nor a political club. In acceding to the new member does not waive any rights nor any of its convictions. "
------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------
morning, Montreal, Wednesday, 4 March I987 p.11
Who are the Freemasons Quebec?
Masons in the City Hall
"the Freemason modern Quebec is particularly interested in human rights, and prefers activism in movements such as League of Human Rights. Amnesty International, or the secular movement. "
(see also in the same vein: Masonic medal of Rene Levesque )
Newspaper article:
Sunday Morning, May 5, 1985 By Jacques Francoeur
Thicket everywhere Even if it shock you ...
Things have changed:
Grand Master of Masons
will be welcomed everywhere.
Not so long ago, Quebec's reluctance to show that he was a freemason.
Today, things have changed. We welcome with open arms in Montreal this week, Roger Leray, president of the Grand Orient de France during the 10th anniversary of the Lodge Montcalm Montreal.
The Grand Orient de France includes 32 denominations belonging to the Masonic "Freemasonry democratic and liberal in the world." The Grand Orient of France exists elsewhere in Quebec since 1892 with the founding of the Lodge in Montreal Emancipation.
Wednesday noon, Mr. Leray deliver a talk at the Club St Lawrence Kiwanis Wednesday night at the University of Montreal under the auspices of the Philosophy Society. He will also meet leaders of lay movements in Quebec, the League of Rights and Freedom, Canada World Youth, etc. .
Mr Leray reaffirm that "understand what Freemasonry Freemasons" who are "seeking truth". He recalled that the Grand Orient of France, of which the Lodge Montcalm, "is not a religious sect nor a political club. In acceding to the new member does not waive any rights nor any of its convictions. "
------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------
morning, Montreal, Wednesday, 4 March I987 p.11
Who are the Freemasons Quebec?
Masons in the City Hall
"the Freemason modern Quebec is particularly interested in human rights, and prefers activism in movements such as League of Human Rights. Amnesty International, or the secular movement. "
Monday, April 6, 2009
Football Sayings To Put On Shirts
4000 The first steps of Pathfinder
As we could not break through the weekend, could not do anything else that going to walk, which seems to be a bit of a luxury apartment with a fully bulk . The timeliness of our neighbors even when these positives.
Saturday night was so quiet dinner with colleagues Cosmonaut's Mark and Loula, a English couple who arrived there some time. We ate in Liguria, one of the best places in Santiago near our house.
The next day we had a little trouble getting up, but then we remembered that we have the batter in the fridge and fruit red and then we saw the weather is nice. So we had breakfast, it was equipped with our identity documents and we went to wake Pathfinder. I have to explain why we laugh documents. Pathfinder is not allowed to travel and not travel on the highway. What is clear, given that it does not move at all. We have no beeper Special highways, traffic or permission. But it runs and it took twice the motorway. We'll see what will happen ...
We left Santiago in the direction of the Reserva Yerba Loca located near ski resorts. But we completely forgot that this Sunday, there's the marathon in Santiago. Good idea down the government absolute shod cars in this city, it seems. It has recalled the marathon in a traffic jam in Rotonda Perez Zujovic. This roundabout four lanes of traffic, fire and assemble the cars going in every direction, flashing or not, in the sense that they will or not is my nightmare. I do not drive and my father and my brother think it's because I am a woman and a woman, it can not drive. The day that I spend time point in the Rotunda while driving, I'll tell them to try to do the same thing and I'm fine me laugh because I'm sure they dare not. Sunday, for cons, the Rotonda is widely circulated. But here there was a cap. Ah, the marathon! "There's something for an hour there." Cosmonaut said, disgusted. But me, I had confidence in Chile. With their love for emissions of exhaust pipes. And I did well. We did not wait or 15 minutes. Once there was a little room between the runners, the police have allowed the movement of cars. After the Rotonda, we took Americo Vespucio and runners had to run a full route, and the rest belonged to cars ... of course. It does not even stop when the traffic for a few thousand athletes crazy, eh? I hope the prize includes free care in the oncology department of a prestigious clinic.
The road climbed and climbed and after about 40km, at turn 15, was seen entering the reserve. The paved road is being transformed into a dirt road, scaring drivers to their cars. Except for drivers who began the cosmonaut regret that the path is still quite good and you can spend with any car and it is pointless to put all four wheels on the road. But fortunately, after the first turn, he had to cross a creek and the road was deteriorating more and more. The cars were crawling in front of us had the good idea to park in first parking lot and was thus able to advance far and farther. Finally, we arrived at a pan
ring that said: "The glacier, 17km. "You want to continue?", The cosmonaut was asked. I knew it shod him bein happy if I said yes, but I do not see a path for cars to us, "Me, I garerait and I would continue on foot, "I said so." Mmm "the cosmonaut said, hands on the wheel, looking sadly at him." Because I think it is a path for pedestrians, " I added after a moment of silence during which the cosmonaut remained motionless. "That's not what I asked you," he replied, "You want to continue or not?" Oh, it is malignant, the cosmonaut. If you do not give the answer he wants to hear, it is the question! "No," I said. "Me, I'll try." he decided and he pressed the accelerator.
And it continued. purring Pathfinder in our shaking sand in all directions. After traveling and available 100 meters, we saw another four four parked. Right now, we started to dig into the fine sand. The Cosmonaut stopped and he started all four wheels. Pathfinder hummed and he came out without problems. The Cosmonaut's face lit with a smile very happy. So we were finally able to park and walk . Yes, the cosmonaut and Pathfinder, is love.
The path led along a creek which later became Mapucho and here is a stream and wild blue. We climbed into his valley for three hours and was admired peaks, small, which have only 4000mètres, and large, Paloma and Plomo, which are covered by glaciers. Climb the glacier was a bit too much for a little walk this afternoon but is expected to make a good two-day trek again.
the evening we were invited to Stan and Manka, a couple of the Czech Centre. It was washed in Mapucho (before he returned to Santiago, of course) because it was very dirty, and we went to pick up their little house. We spent a wonderful evening with a nice meal, good wine and conversation on the mountain. There ahead of us ...
Saturday night was so quiet dinner with colleagues Cosmonaut's Mark and Loula, a English couple who arrived there some time. We ate in Liguria, one of the best places in Santiago near our house.
The next day we had a little trouble getting up, but then we remembered that we have the batter in the fridge and fruit red and then we saw the weather is nice. So we had breakfast, it was equipped with our identity documents and we went to wake Pathfinder. I have to explain why we laugh documents. Pathfinder is not allowed to travel and not travel on the highway. What is clear, given that it does not move at all. We have no beeper Special highways, traffic or permission. But it runs and it took twice the motorway. We'll see what will happen ...
The road climbed and climbed and after about 40km, at turn 15, was seen entering the reserve. The paved road is being transformed into a dirt road, scaring drivers to their cars. Except for drivers who began the cosmonaut regret that the path is still quite good and you can spend with any car and it is pointless to put all four wheels on the road. But fortunately, after the first turn, he had to cross a creek and the road was deteriorating more and more. The cars were crawling in front of us had the good idea to park in first parking lot and was thus able to advance far and farther. Finally, we arrived at a pan
The path led along a creek which later became Mapucho and here is a stream and wild blue. We climbed into his valley for three hours and was admired peaks, small, which have only 4000mètres, and large, Paloma and Plomo, which are covered by glaciers. Climb the glacier was a bit too much for a little walk this afternoon but is expected to make a good two-day trek again.
the evening we were invited to Stan and Manka, a couple of the Czech Centre. It was washed in Mapucho (before he returned to Santiago, of course) because it was very dirty, and we went to pick up their little house. We spent a wonderful evening with a nice meal, good wine and conversation on the mountain. There ahead of us ...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Home Made Coin Pusher
Our neighbors, enemies Mrs. Santiago ... Perfect
Monday evening, the cosmonaut returned Telescope after a month of absence. The telescope is required at the beginning of our stay in Chile. I'm glad it's there, period, and also because I said with a little luck, I'll soon be forced to cook sitting on the ground and cursed the boxes will disappear in cupboards that we choose together. In short, that after living for three months as a nomad, our life will again become a little civilized.
But the evolution is much slower than I thought. Friday, Cosmonaut decided to make two shelves in the kitchen that I can promise get rid of cardboard boxes full of rice, flour or pasta. Suddenly, I saw myself, how a perfect and precise movement, cooking, I take a small dose elegantly with the desired ingredient and add it with love in the small dish delicious, big changes after the period of the mole digging on all fours gasping in the carton: "Where is this p. .... flour?". In imagining myself as Mrs. Perfect, with or without love, I went on the Cosmonaut throughout the week that makes these shelves.
venredi So, the cosmonaut has found it will be easier to the shelves that bear the pressure. But we could not know until just before the end of work, it is the neighbors who will sabotage my transformation into Ms. Perfect. Contrary to the tolerance that the Chileans in relation to noise, so they are not at all bothered by alarms of cars or by the fact that the windows of their apartment overlooking a road with six lanes and traffic Standing, production of noise work is strictly limited in our house. You can make noise with a drill that between 9 and 13 hours and 16 to 18 hours in the week, and 9 to 12 hours on Saturday. On Sunday, it's time to go to church and suddenly, work is prohibited altogether. Do not ask me how we got to redo the floor. For strangely, although the Chileans say "in a moment" to say "I have no idea when," although a delay of two hours is not a scandalous delay, they are riding with respect to be worn at times when you can work. Thus we have arrived after waiting 9 hours to get to work, the guard called us to say we should stop work because it is not yet nine o'clock. I say I think so. The keeper says, he is nine fewer than five,, please must wait five minutes. I apologize. In a minute, the goalkeeper recalls. He checked the time, I had good reason. Let's go then with the drill ...
The Cosmonaut has finished shelves that Friday night, because at 13 hours, he still had to drill two more holes and our neighbor reported us, it is already an hour. Saturday, we wanted to continue with eight holes in the basement to put the hooks. Holes and a half, and it was spotted.
What is even more annoying than in the cellar, there is no outlet. Finally, there are, but it is offline because of the evil they have used to save electricity. But if you want to use your drill in the cellar is easy. You remove the end of the thread of the drill, you strip off those son and your cellar you remove your bulb powered by your power, you put your son directly in the socket and you're really strong, you get back to even the light bulb and you can then drill and see the same time. That's at least what made the locksmith who added a lock to the cellar. I absolutely wanted the Cosmonaut did the same thing. It's dangerous, right? The guards must have some other solution?! An extension may be? The residents of our homes are not suicidal as locksmiths, eh?
"It's simple," said the warden: "You plug your drill into the socket.
And here. Cross your fingers that does not hurt either one becomes insane.
Monday evening, the cosmonaut returned Telescope after a month of absence. The telescope is required at the beginning of our stay in Chile. I'm glad it's there, period, and also because I said with a little luck, I'll soon be forced to cook sitting on the ground and cursed the boxes will disappear in cupboards that we choose together. In short, that after living for three months as a nomad, our life will again become a little civilized.
But the evolution is much slower than I thought. Friday, Cosmonaut decided to make two shelves in the kitchen that I can promise get rid of cardboard boxes full of rice, flour or pasta. Suddenly, I saw myself, how a perfect and precise movement, cooking, I take a small dose elegantly with the desired ingredient and add it with love in the small dish delicious, big changes after the period of the mole digging on all fours gasping in the carton: "Where is this p. .... flour?". In imagining myself as Mrs. Perfect, with or without love, I went on the Cosmonaut throughout the week that makes these shelves.
venredi So, the cosmonaut has found it will be easier to the shelves that bear the pressure. But we could not know until just before the end of work, it is the neighbors who will sabotage my transformation into Ms. Perfect. Contrary to the tolerance that the Chileans in relation to noise, so they are not at all bothered by alarms of cars or by the fact that the windows of their apartment overlooking a road with six lanes and traffic Standing, production of noise work is strictly limited in our house. You can make noise with a drill that between 9 and 13 hours and 16 to 18 hours in the week, and 9 to 12 hours on Saturday. On Sunday, it's time to go to church and suddenly, work is prohibited altogether. Do not ask me how we got to redo the floor. For strangely, although the Chileans say "in a moment" to say "I have no idea when," although a delay of two hours is not a scandalous delay, they are riding with respect to be worn at times when you can work. Thus we have arrived after waiting 9 hours to get to work, the guard called us to say we should stop work because it is not yet nine o'clock. I say I think so. The keeper says, he is nine fewer than five,, please must wait five minutes. I apologize. In a minute, the goalkeeper recalls. He checked the time, I had good reason. Let's go then with the drill ...
The Cosmonaut has finished shelves that Friday night, because at 13 hours, he still had to drill two more holes and our neighbor reported us, it is already an hour. Saturday, we wanted to continue with eight holes in the basement to put the hooks. Holes and a half, and it was spotted.
What is even more annoying than in the cellar, there is no outlet. Finally, there are, but it is offline because of the evil they have used to save electricity. But if you want to use your drill in the cellar is easy. You remove the end of the thread of the drill, you strip off those son and your cellar you remove your bulb powered by your power, you put your son directly in the socket and you're really strong, you get back to even the light bulb and you can then drill and see the same time. That's at least what made the locksmith who added a lock to the cellar. I absolutely wanted the Cosmonaut did the same thing. It's dangerous, right? The guards must have some other solution?! An extension may be? The residents of our homes are not suicidal as locksmiths, eh?
"It's simple," said the warden: "You plug your drill into the socket.
And here. Cross your fingers that does not hurt either one becomes insane.
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