Sunday, October 12, 2008

Create Multiple Gpsphone Cheats

newspaper to write the laws?

Another Masonic lodge could be born shortly Montreal.

Press March 25, 1982 (extracts)

Jacques Benoit

Dead, the Freemasons?

While ten years ago they became members of the Knights of Columbus, about thirty policemen CUM come, they say in the Masonic community, to join the most powerful association of freemasons Quebec Grand Lodge of Quebec.
also read through carefully the petition recently appeared in "Duty" for the release of Salvadoran journalist Victor Regalado: therein, among many other organizations, two boxes (or sections) Masonic Lodge Montcalm Grand Orient Lodge of France and Freedom of the Order of mixed French and international human right.
"We feel the wind in the sails, We want to know that we exist. We are ready for that," says Andreas Demeter, specialist management staff , member of the lodge Montcalm.


situation in accordance with the situation which resulted from the Conquest, is in Quebec, the masonry of Anglo-Saxon who has the upper hand, the Grand Lodge of Quebec with 10,000 members in, and perhaps even , say, twice, many francophones mainly from the business community .

(...) But nothing says that these two cells, very close to each other though they belong to different formations, will not end up forming the nucleus of which will go out, possibly another Grand Lodge of Quebec. "If the Grand Orient of France exists here is not to last because we believe that sooner or later there should be an obedience (Grand Lodge) in Quebec or Canada. That's where we reach, "explained recently in a press interview, the Deputy Grand Master (Vice President) of the Grand Orient, Marcel Samid.

[antimasonic Comment: this is indeed what s event occurred in 1992 with the creation of the Grand Orient of Canada]

Both masonry

fundamental difference between the two major currents of freemasonry: while the Anglo-Saxon stick to the study the Masonic symbolism (which might be defined as the understanding of the universe and man's place within it) and mutual assistance among followers, and the French, or liberal, also plans influence society in order, says Marcel Samid, "improvements to the condition of Humanity and people. " Hence, each year, the obligation for the boxes to study some major social, economic and for Peace (the convent, or annual conference, is then summarized the work), hence, also, the considerable influence of masonry on French society . Because, says Marcel Samid, although they may not initially appear to be as "wishful thinking", "the ideas mature, inevitably, and they finisent always find their way into everyday reality. " We can act on at the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate, municipalities " .

(...) In France, ministers Freemasons are many

Never, according to the deputy grand master of the Grand Orient of France, Marcel Samid. there were as many French ministers Masons in France today, if not under the Third Republic (1870-1940), where all were. There was the time of De Gaulle, Giscard d'Estaing, but there were not as that in the moment.
situation that is not exclusive to France, Salvador Allende was a Freemason, as were many U.S. presidents: Washington, Madison, Franklin, Jackson, both Roosevelt, Wilson, Truman, Johnson, Gerald Ford. In 1975, similarly, the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives had, in their elected representatives, half of the Freemasons.
Present at the highest levels of French politics, Freemasonry has had and still has a marked influence on society of the country, to the point that one of his former masters, Jacques Mitterrand, could write in 1975 in the journal Great Eastern, "Humanism": "By reason of their various policy options, they (the Freemasons) prepare and, by specific texts, the spirit and sometimes the letter of the bill that a majority man's progress will be likely to vote in their parliamentary duties ".

Another ex-Grand Master, Fred Zeller, told the magazine in 76 "Crapouillot" is thanks to work done in the boxes that were developed all the great laws that marked the modern history: the abolition of slavery in the colonies, low-rent housing, status of civil servants, SECURITY social, agricultural credit, law on contraception, etc ".

Samid Marcel:" The secular French school is the fact of the masonry. Other laws, social security, family allowances, family planning, etc.. are born, often, a work that began in the lodge.

The Diving Bell And The Butterfly Name

File: controlling the Federal Public Service by the FM

This ticket replaces two older posts that were talking about the same subject, the ratio of Pierre Gagnon on the presence within the service Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), a group of Freemasons hostile to English speaking, while in the second article, JZ Leon Patenaude reveals that Francophone federal public service also have their loges to cons-weight FM English. The evidence is irrefutable that the federal government is controlled by the FM.

Freemasons Francophobe to head the Security Service and Intelligence

Canadian Press June 13, 1987

No conspiracy against French Canadians is deliberately hatched within the Service Canadian Security and Intelligence.
This is the main conclusion of a study report, which identifies however, the existence of a network of Freemasons in governmental organization.
The Federal Intelligence Service has been repeatedly taken to task for its apparent inability to operate in French and, last April 15 of his French Canadian officers have accused the agency of "giving refuge to a fierce opposition to French fact. "
The report, reported the Montreal Gazette, however, concludes: "We have found no conspiracy or conspirators."
This organization was created in 1984 when the government decided to transform the security services of the RCMP's civilian intelligence agency. Services RCMP had been strained during the release of numerous illegal acts by some of its investigators in combating terrorism in Quebec.
"By tradition and by choice, the agency is basically English," admits the report. "French is a working language second, is poorly managed and so far there is mostly used for translation purposes (which is not sufficiently widespread).
The document adds that there is a network of "old boys" made up of veterans of the RCMP which French Canadians rarely identified. "They believe, therefore they are systematically excluded from better jobs ".
The report makes 48 recommendations to improve the understanding of French and French Canada within the agency, including offering programs to improve bilingualism in this service and making access more Canadians French to senior positions.
A chapter of the document states, however: "At the beginning of our investigation, we got the distinct impression that there is a network of Freemasons within the agency, particularly at high levels and in some key services such as the personnel department. "
" We did not thought it necessary to continue the investigation to longer this chapter, "the report adds.
Freemasonry is an international relief organization whose members engage in secret rites and promise mutual help. This organization, throughout history, has always been opposed to the Catholic Church and the vast majority of its members are English-speaking Protestants.
This report contains the findings of an investigation by a lawyer, Pierre Gagnon, Quebec should be officially released today.

DUTY 17/06/1987
Francophones in Freemasonry



The author was the first francophone from Quebec launched the Grand Orient de France during the contemporary period. It was also the initiator of the Grand Orient in 1977 in Quebec, an association of Masons of Quebec.

In a report of an independent study of Pierre Gagnon from Quebec, on interpersonal relationships within the Canadian Department of Intelligence and Security Service (CSIS), one concludes that the service is engaged in systematic discrimination against francophones and to any well-defined group and supports the thesis of a Canadian CIA infiltrated Freemasonry by Anglo-Protestant in this organization by former RCMP .

Despite the many complaints in the Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Official Languages in many federal departments and agencies, the situation found today in the place of the CSIS needs to be clarified.

Neither church nor a sect

known resistances in the federal public service in government departments and particularly of National Defence and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to the application of the Official Languages Act and to the numerous recommendations Commissioners who have succeeded.

As the role and importance of Freemasonry Anglo-Saxon is mentioned, it is after so many years of struggle within the federal public service, to take stock of results and solid puncture resistance as is currently the case of CSIS and the RCMP, as seen recently, and in other major departments.

Speaking of networks of Freemasons and Freemasonry in this sad reality, the public has a right to know the situation of Freemasons francophones in Quebec on the issue cultural, language problems and compliance with the Act on Official Languages.

Freemasonry is not a church nor a sect nor a political party nor a union, and it is not homogeneous. There are two major trends: the liberal Democratic Freemasonry Freemasonry and the Anglo-Protestant. Both are universal.

Since 1795, this historical reality exists and the history of Freemasonry in Quebec reflects this fact of cultural, linguistic, social since Mesplet DuCalvet, Jean-Francois Xavier Perreault, Louis-Joseph Papineau, Ludger Duvernay Among the Patriots of 1837, leaders of the Canadian Institute of Montreal (We shall refer to the work of Bernard Reds, PUQ, page 272, concerning the relations between that body and and the Grand Orient de France). There are more Emancipation lodge with Honoré Beaugrand, Godfrey Langlois League education, Strength and Courage Lodge of the Grand Orient of France. Loyalty and unselfishness

Both Freemasonry does not maintain any link between them. I belong to Freemasonry liberal represented in Quebec by four Obediences recognized with several lodges and French that are not recognized by the other Freemasonry.

Freemasonry is a liberal institution essentially philosophical, philanthropic and progressive purpose in seeking the truth, the study of ethics and practice of solidarity. Freemasonry in Quebec liberal group overwhelmingly francophone from Quebec and French Canadian.

For a Freemason, is the practice of loyalty and selflessness, he lives in a social and cultural roots has cultural and language, and seek refuge with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and work in their language and make a career in public service at all levels.

Freemasonry is composed of liberal denominations which admit women and the equality of both sexes in their temples. That is why the masons Quebec francophones encourages applications and complaints from women in the Federal Public Service in particular, in the army and the services of the RCMP.

Freemasonry is composed of individuals from all walks of life, origin and religious or social philosophy completely different, working in Quebec and in French, deeply committed to our language, our culture, its rights in the Official Languages Act, and our ability to climb all levels in government departments working in French.

For Francophone Liberal Freemason, there is homework to do, to make sacrifices, the dangers to be feared; Freemasonry should not be a means ... and those who are not believe are quick to withdraw. We do not seek power nor political nor religious, and we are working for human progress in the respect of human dignity. social justice, secularism, and control of violence against all totalitarianism. racism, antisemitism, and demanding the separation of state and churches and non-sectarian public schools.

Quebec's distinct society

The French Freemasons do not claim any privilege, but only the implementation of measures, and it quickly in the federal government to give access to positions of French control, through the experiences and skills, in full compliance departments of Official Languages Act.

Freemasons francophone Quebecers take account of sociological, cultural and political aspects of Quebec's distinct society.

I recall a historical fact for better cornpréhension Francophones in the federal Public Service. In 1928, in Ottawa, a group of federal employees founded a company discreet: Commanders of the Order of Jacques Cartier. The secretary-founder was a French Canadian Freemason to promote and support the arrival of French Canadians in government: the Civil Service.

Having personally played a role during 13 years (1944-59) in this Freemasonry Catholic and French-Canadian historian Raymond Laliberté recognized its role, its importance and influence, especially in government circles for French and Francophone place that were to occupy (I refer the interested reader to the work of Mr. Sutton under the title A Secret Society: the Order of Jacques Cartier, Hurtibise editions, HM-1983).

Freemasons of Quebec have always been separated by culture and language. The struggles have diminished. but the resistance seems to continue at the federal, it evokes the Report and study committee. The French Freemasons can only welcome all initiatives to be taken to ensure the language rights within CSIS, the RCMP and National Defence, without minimizing the recommendations of the Annual Reports of the statutory language official, as well as supporting, promoting equality of women in the Armed Forces and Security Forces, including women of French culture and language.