Thursday, May 22, 2008

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As predicted here last year ...

The report of the Bouchard / Taylor on "reasonable accommodation" has just been released. As predicted here last year, this report includes the bulk of recommentation briefs filed by the Masonic "freedom" and "Free Thought" before this committee:

-Withdrawal of the crucifix in the National Assembly (Boisclair had ordered)
-Ban for judges, police and prison guards to wear religious symbols (this is a beginning which is then applied gradually to the rest of the population).
- Prohibition of prayers to the municipal councils.
-Produce a white paper on secularism
-That the government should aggressively promote the new course
Ethics and Religious Culture (propaganda)
-Transformation of the Commission on Human Rights in a fourth power, creating a mysterious "watchdog" of speech (thought police?)

section radio-canada

We will therefore gradually secularism in the French here in Quebec. Moreover, it seems that the casting of this report in the English daily The Gazette was actually a diversion aimed at derailing the debate towards the right Old rivalry English / French. (A "manipulation" well maintained by our elites ever).
The day of filing the report, the oligarchy in place in parliament and hypocritically decided that, in a unanimous vote not to remove the crucifix from the meeting. This is just a diversion to lull the people. The key for the oligarchy is to impose the new course "Ethics and Religious Culture" and then, after a good dose of brainwashing in the Soviet, the rest of the agenda will ...

from the submission of the box "Freedom" on page 16:
course, this implies that the state must also completely secularize its institutions and public spaces: the disappearance of the Catholic crucifix spaces citizens banning prayers before public meetings of municipal councils, prohibition, for any representative or employee of the state, the wearing of distinctive religious, in the As part of its work, etc..

also read my previous post on this blog that predicts the "maneuver" the boxes:
Outside the crucifix!
The memory of the box, "Free Thought" in the commission of Quebec can

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Right Leg Painfrom Driving

Newspaper articles to read online

This Section recencer Quebec newspaper articles that talk about Freemasonry and are available online via the website of the Quebec National Library .
Note: It is impossible to give a direct link to any article, you must select the correct date in the menu on the library website.

"The Nationalist"
February 16, 1908 page 4

"Open Heart"

Report A.-J. Lemieux, the man who investigated the lodge Emancipation on a speech given to the Liberal Club and the Israeliness BAY FM notorious Godfrey Langlois.

For Catholic Action
February 12 1962 p.3

René Lévesque and the future of the world
In this article, Levesque future leader "absolutist," announces its colors globalists:
"the only future of the world is to be one country"

These items can be found either on the front page or page 4 (editorial page): April 25, 1947
communist plot to Quebec July 4, 1947 p4
TD Bouchard, neutral school, institute democratic
April 2, 1948 conspiracy to destroy the Soul nations repatriation
February 4, 1948 the constitution
9fev 1950 p4, 10fev over crucifixes in Hungarian schools
March 17, 1950 against the Catholic church
8 May 1950 and June 6, 1950 FM
p1 world unity through peace or war
November 27, 1950 Orangemen
August 20, 1952 The FM is the head
November 17, 1952 p4 The real situation in paradise red (response to Trudeau)
January 13, 1953 response Trudeau
January 21, 1953 French anti-Semitism in Canada February 12, 1953
our origins Semitic
4 March 1953 fetching the constitution (Liberal Roch Pinard)
June 22, 1953 Cité Libre
Duhamel November 12, 1954 (editor Homeland) before the Jewish circle French-language
January 8, 1955 The church opposite the FM
March 31, 1955 Deputy Secretary of State at the Jewish circle
April 1, 1955 Bishop denounces Cabana FM
June 6, 1955, a power against us
May 31, June 1 1956 Corruption television
October 20, 1956 fm
19, January 26, 1957 leftist infiltration
August 2, 1957 atheist education

FM April 11, 1962 January 19, 1962 April 25, 1962

January 26, 1962 May 2, 1962 April 15
FM 1962 FM homeland

For Action newspaper (Catholic newspaper)

16 and December 17 1963, page 4:
"La Presse Service Masonry "

This article is a replica virulent following the publication of a series of very favorable for FM in La Presse from November 11, 1963.
The best parts of these articles are also available here .

February 3, 1964, page 4:
"Freemasonry in Quebec"
replica of Walter Hanna

February 10, 1964, page 4:
"Freemasonry in Canada French "
Reply to Walter Hanna.

The author speaks French lodges of the Grand Lodge of Quebec would be the side of the Grand Orient de France and this Despite the supposed rivalry between the faiths "regular" and "irregular".

(pages 1 and 4)
January 26, 1963, page 4: "The Freemasons"
16 and 17 December 1963 FM quebec
February 3, 1964 Freemasonry in Quebec
November 14, 1964, page 4: "Subversive Tactics "
October 19, 1964, page 4 tactics subersives
March 1, 1965, page 11:" Dissolution of JCO? "
January 3, 1966 p4 FM
August 6, 1966, p.4: "Our schools in the clutch Masonic"
August 19, 1966, p.4: "The MLF Masonic affiliated with a league of France"
February 16 1968, p.4: "Freemasons and Pill
March 6, 1968, p.4: "Dialogue with Satan" (a collaboration between the FM and the Knights of Columbus)
May 18, 1968, p.4: "The Holy See and the Freemasons"
June 3, 1968, p .4: "The fact deconfessionalization ... soon!"
June 30, 1969, p.4: "Towards a world government: by consent or by conquest?"
November 8, 1970: Assassination of Laporte useful for the Federal Government under Rene Levesque, ID cards mandatory by Choquette

to the newspaper "La Patrie" (founded by the freemason Honoré Beaugrand)
http://bibnum2. / bna / home /

April 15, 1962 p.10 and 11: "In least 600 French Canadian from Quebec Masons "
------------------------------------ ----------
1910: beginning of "the business of the lodge Emancipation"
Scenario: In 1910, a group of young Catholics decide to spy on the uniforms of the box 's Emancipation of the Grand Orient of France in Montreal renting an apartment below the box and installing acoustic ceiling cones to listen to conversations of Freemasons. A Masonic plot is well maintained which was intended to sabotage the conference Eucharistic 1910 in attracting priests in brothels under false pretenses. A survey City will then take place to try to find out if city officials were complicit in the plot but this survey is finally declared invalid by the courts. Catholic group will also go much further by stealing the membership of the lodge at gunpoint. Following this, a trial will be filed against SHIFT Lemieux, the author of a pamphlet showing the list of members of the Emancipation.
Although the evidence was overwhelming against Lemieux, though he was acquitted by the jury's decision.
must say that at the time, the Catholic faith was very strong in Quebec and the people were so outraged to learn that the first article of the constitution of the lodge Emancipation was to "liberate the French Canadian people from the yoke of the clergy."
Here is the list of important dates relating to this case read in the newspaper L'Action Sociale
(daily edition)
July 21, 1910 p1: "A project infamous"
July 30, 1910 p1: "What conspiracy emancipated"
August 1, 1910 p1 (e-Montreal) and p6: "Around the lodge Emancipation"
August 2, 1910 p1: "The veil of the temple tears "
August 6, 1910 p1:" One consequence "and "The lodge wiggles"
September 20, 1910 p1: "The scandals of the box Emancipation"
7 November 1910 p1: "The plot of the box"
November 26, 1910 p1: "The Freemasonry Quebec "
November 29, 1910 p1:" Free Thinkers, Freemasons and socialist "
December 6 1910 p1: "The work of Masonic lodges"
7 and January 9 1911 p1: "The circle alpha-omega" and January 9 "A damning document"
February 27 1911 p1 "Shift Lemieux and Country"
March 4, 1911 p1: "Are they afraid of light?", March 6: "AJ Lemieux ongoing criminal"
March 10: "The Trial of AJ Lemieux will place"
March 25, 1911 p1: "Interesting Lemieux revelations at the trial "
March 27, 1911 p1:" The trial of MAJ Lemieux "
March 28, 1911 p1:" .. the trial ends abruptly "and p8:" AJ Lemieux is acquitted "
April 3, 1911 p1:" The Verdict in Lemieux "

page 4 of this newspaper is the editorial page. Almost every day after the collapse of the case of Emancipation, there is talk about Freemasonry. Here are the dates that correspond to Items on page 4 that caught my attention: (1910) 4, 8, 9, 26 (United Hearts), 28 July, 3, 11 August, 6 September, 17 Oct. (League of Education) , 11, 17, Nov. 18 (Emancipation illegal housing)
------------------------------------------------- ----------------
July 25, 1910 p1 denied a check from the box of hearts united to finance the monument Dollard.
December 28, 1910 p1: Feast of Hearts United

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Game That I Can Get Preg In

Since 1973, the clergy "dialogue" with the Grand Lodge of Quebec (!)

(NOTE: In 1991, Cardinal Edouard Gagnon said that English Freemasonry was also anti-Christian than the Grand Orient de France.)
also read the reply of the historian Jean-Paul Lagrave to this letter in the comments.
In short, Freemasonry is condemned by the Catholic Church since 1738. Now at that time, only the masonry "regular" existed.
extract the bubble of 1738:
"We have resolved to condemn and defend these centers, meetings, groups, or aggregations conventicles, or Freemasons, valid in perpetuity.
Let the rest is pretty bold to dare to attack or contradict this statement, sentencing, defense and interdiction.
If someone was up to this point boldness, he knows he will incur the wrath of God Almighty and the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul. "

Catholics and Freemasons in Quebec

Le Devoir, April 3 1976

We are often asked if relations between the Catholic Church and the Masonic Order have changed. On July 18, 1974, Cardinal Seper, president of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome, sent a letter to the presidents of all episcopal conferences around the world. It was the number 2335 of the Code of Canon Law "that prohibits Catholics under pain of excommunication to be part of Freemasonry and other similar associations which form conspiracies against the church or civil authorities legitimate. "
Recent studies make a clear distinction between Freemasonry "regular" inspired the English and the so-called "irrégullère" Latin inspired. The vast majority of Freemasons in the world (about 6,000,000) adhere to the Regular Freemasonry is modeled on the United Grand Lodge of England. To be included, the aspirant must believe in God, Architect of the Universe, in his Providence, the immortality of the soul, he must want to progress in the practice of moral virtues and humanitarian.
Freemasonry regularly appears as a sort of fraternal association
Cardinal Seper, pending the release of the new Code of Canon preparation, moved dlrective Next: "You can safely teach and apply the opinions of the authors saying that the canon applies only 2335 Catholics who belong to associations acting against the Égllse.
It is up to the bishops of the Episcopal Conferences of each country to distinguish whether the Masonic lodges of their environment "act against the church" or not.
In Canada, Freemasonry is organized on a provincial basis. In each province there is a Grand Lodge which itself is formed of all local lodges. Thus, the Grand Lodge of Quebec has 109 local lodges (including 4 French-speaking) with a total of 14,500 members. It is independent automatic while maintaining certain relationships
affinity with other Grand Lodges "regular" of Canada and the world.
It is true that in Quebec in the 1900s, the lodge's Emancipation connected to the Grand Orient of France, was erected against the institutions of Catholic church. This has certainly contributed, among other reasons, to confirm a prejudice that all Freemasons, without distinction, as anti-Catholic.
Since April 1973 a committee composed of Masons and Catholic leaders sought to restore the facts by studying the present situation of Freemasonry in Quebec. In a context of dialogue he was rethinking attitudes and to establish new relations in truth and justice, The results of this study, which traced the origins of Freemasonry and its evolution. revealed that the 109 boxes connected to the Grand Lodge of Quebec, adhere to the regular Freemasonry. Now it "offers nothing in its constitution that can legitimately afford to believe or say that she is plotting against the Catholic Church."
We had the opportunity to check the validity of this assertion.
From this light, is it appropriate to maintain the excommunication of Catholics who would be part of a lodge affiliated with the Grand Lodge of Quebec?
We think not, unless on grounds other than prejudice, are taken into account.
In a spirit of objectivity, should we not move towards an effective acceptance of the values of the Church and the values of regular Freemasonry?

Irenaeus Beaubien, SJ Adrien Brunet, op Paul Morisset, SJ members of the Research Committee on Freemasonry in Quebec.
Montreal, March 22, 1976

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Labeled Parts Of A Merchant Ship


My blog continues