Sunday, October 18, 2009

Waxing Landing Strip Images

Small nice volcanoes II. Small volcanoes

Friday morning, we left the Termas de Chillán to go further south. It was me who was driving, because the distances are huge in Chile so I have to participate in travel. After avir rode about fifty miles in a village called Pinto, just under a large poster which invited passersby to an interregional exhibition of sheep, I took a one-way road in the wrong way, as in Chile, small panels signaling: entrance forbidden way, do not exist. It's up to you to know the city street and know what goes in which direction. Fortunately, on the road, there were arrows and so I quickly saw that I am in a wrong way and before a few scornful glances Pintana waiting for the bus, I made a half turn to go to and Chillán its road adventures. Because in Chillán, the road signs do not exist at all and must pass the city on Hwy. Me at the wheel, trying to avoid children, carts, people, horses, taxis, buses and all what was on the road, trying to see if I'm in the right direction, if I priority, I tried to follow directions Cosmonaut. A baptism by fire. At an intersection, the cosmonaut told me to go and I left, I said that I can not go there because there were a few signs of chillanaises prohibiting left turns. So I continued straight and Cosmonaut was upset that I did not listen, and he said he would tell me over the way and I can go where I please. So I continue to avoid traffic on the road until the road changes in a road full of mud, which was surely not the highway. There, the cosmonaut was found that enough revenge and he again show me the path. We returned to the crossroads where I thought we could not turn and I saw that it was banning the arrow, because there were two lanes in both directions and, therefore, that drivers do not first lane cons sense. Very logical.

was found the famous Panamericana and we went south. I told you I hate the freeways, but I stood in the rain, still 100km, almost to Los Angeles. And we must say that driving on the motorway, especially if you're away from Santiago, this is not funny. The highway is full of life. Apart from cars and especially trucks and buses traveling at 110km / h there are also bus stops directly on the highway, with kiosks mote con huesillos, pedestrians, cyclists and horse-drawn carts. We even saw three guys on skateboards. And a mother with a stroller. And you go to 120, trying not to crush them.

Toward Los Angeles, Cosmonaut took the wheel to go downtown. We wanted to see how it is and just buy something to eat. And stop at the edge of motorway a mote, it does not give us envy. Los Angeles Chile definitely has nothing to do with Los Angeles United States and the rain played even less in his favor. Again we have checked that without Touristel, Chilean guide that describes rather uninteresting places, do not drive, because there is no indication in the cities. But you have all the plans in the guide. Again, we wondered if we are in cons-meaning or not. Finally, it has bought some empanadas and continued south. Before arriving in Victoria, we left the highway and continued by a dirt road to Reserva Tolhuaca. The dirt roads can be quite large and the roads that there was almost no holes. It was after 40 km we have really enjoyed our Pathfinder, as it was in the ditch conturner a truck carrying timber with the trailer overturned. Here, before coming to the volcanoes, you pass through forests, plantations eucalyptus and pine trees. By far, the eucalyptus forests of spruce forests to gather. That is probably why there are so many Germans and Swiss immigrants who landed in this region. Similarly, you want to sing La Boheme, La Boheme ... But then the clouds rise and you see the volcanoes. And then, you know you're not in Central Europe.

And then was Suizandina another address recommended by Andy Refugio Lo Valdés. Even a home with good food, good wine and a nice atmosphere. But it is true that after the familiarity of MILodge was just the formality of Switzerland. Instead of a welcome drink, we received paperwork. But gradually we started to feel like home.

We knew that the days that followed he was going to rain. I was pretty happy, because all three outputs Chillan me very exhausted. My herpes recurred, I started to float in my pants and most importantly, I am concerned for my nose and his attachment to my face like Michael Jackson. At night, hunger woke me up. Saturday morning, snow was falling and it is therefore went to explore the region with Pathfinder. Area Charts are not always very reliable and certainly not accurate enough, and spend time looking for where are the roads is not at all lost time. And if the valley to Chillan gathered at least a little at a ski resort, the valley is under Longuimay an agricultural landscape and it is not rare that you encounter a cart pulled by oxen. Pathfinder has to struggle with some animals and a bull was clearly threatened, shaking her head and refusing to budge from the road. But finally, a little hoot was convinced that Pathfinder is too strong an opponent. By cons, there was a hen that did not have enough intelligence finished crossing the road and almost crossed the finishing abruptly decided to go in thinking that the crossing was too dangerous. In turn, she took the wheel directly in front of our little car. Otherwise, the horn was used quite a lesson to all the sheep, cats, dogs, cows, calves and horses.

The visibilitéétait just good to see the big hoop pine (on lo photo, you can see that the cosmonaut is miniscule compared to them) and coigue, but basically we can say that our first day of exploration, it was rather a failure. If this blog is read by someone who also wants to see how are the Termas Rio Blanco, he knows that terms are enclosed by a fence, because since the hotel next door was burned, the land owner trying to sell them and he does not want people come to bathe free. The Laguna Blanca and must be very pretty, no doubt, but she too is on private property and must request permission to come in two nice Germans. What we did, but finally we saw that there was too much snow on the road for the first time it has planted in the snow Pathfinder . But it has managed to pull it out. And we're not really too crazy since returning, we met three Chileans seeking Laguna bike at any price. In descending, we saw their tents beside the road.

We learned a lot about the valley with the owner of hyperactive Andenrose, a cottage a little further down the valley that Suizandina. It was passed by the inn to take a goulash with spaetzle after not taking bath in Termas de Rio Blanco. Besides, if you're afraid to go to Chile, because you do not speak English, go south: it speaks German.

The next day, he was still snowing, so we went exploring again, this time to the Reserve Conguillío the middle which one is the summit of Llaima volcano, the volcano Chilean most active. And if the Chilean volcano most active, I think it should not be misclassified in either. With its 40 explosions in last 400 years, it terrorized the region with success and even, there are signs (!) Indicating evacuation routes and entering the reservation, there is even a pushbutoon indicating the probability of explosion. The volcano showed its activity for the last time last year. Yet, on the slopes, there is a small resort Las araucarias . And this station operating on Sunday when we got to explore the reservation. The eyes of the cosmonauts are alum. The next day the weather was not too bad and it was a holiday. It was clear that the station will work. Easy to approach in order to make the summit. Moreover, speaking of the station, it may seem odd to build a station on a volcano so active, but apparently, they did it in a place where one finds araucarias of 800ans. So, this is not where the lava flows. But it seems she was running a little there anyway, last year.

Returning, we passed through Termas de Malalcahuello I do not start too. Cutlery, dear, and Sunday afternoon, full of people. This is exactly the kind of things that Chileans love.

the morning so we left for the Llaima. The day before, I had a good mind, but at night I kept dreaming of the avalanches. The climb was difficult for me. The cosmonaut was very angry. We climbed to the left, which was not the route indicated in the topography of Lena, but all because the volcano has exploded and he was no longer the same shape. A French guide we met the next day said to him, he goes to the right, but there, the wind blew hard. We walked on the glacier which was stowed away by the lava flow. The lava was still smoking. I assure you, no gas, it was really lava.

I do not feel well because of it. Arriving at the spot where the glacier was well stowed away, he had to cross the lava. I could not remember my fear throughout the rise and there, the cosmonaut had had enough. We decided to descend. The cosmonaut said he never take me with him and he would sell my skis. I replied that it is a bullshit to go the next day and after Longuimay 1400 of driving 700km altitude Santiago. The cosmonaut said that in any case, there would not with me. Etc..

So in the end, we decided to take Longuimay. As Chileans love to regulate any and all close, it could not happen under the volcano, and it must be a market approach. Without food and stopping, it is mounted in 5 hours. It took time, too, because the volcano was very hard couvertpar snow and the slope was steeper. In the end, we took off our skis and we had to finish on foot. After walking, we saw more of skis because of the slope. Not a volcano nice, I would say. But we arrived at the summit was Advent made some photos that strong winds do not force us down. The descent was not nice, especially because we were spoiled by previous raids. The snow in southern Chile, is something extraordinary: a very light and much more stable. But L onguimay we had no luck. We spent Christmas around the Crater (Crater Navidad) where Longuimay exploded a Christmas party and then was Pathfinder. A

Suizandina, we took our bags and we went to the 700km to Santiago. Fortunately, most was done on the Panamericana, which here is a highway. But even when you see a cyclist without a far rolling in the direction cons to the edge of left lane, you have a little tired. It was the moment when I understood why in Santiago, nobody claims the bike paths. Chileans are not the same as we saw danger.

Me too, I was driving, and just after having driven a couple of policemen stopped me on the highway directly into the emergency lane. The emergency lane ended a few yards away by a lawn and there was no place to put a little more speed Advent reach the highway, but apparently it did not seem to be a problem. But I had no time why worry of stopping. I knew that my license is not valid in Chile. I decided to pretend I could see that c0est just a routine check of which I have spent full. And it worked. After I checked, the officer went in diretta track signaling with his hand cars to win the left lane so I could get out. And you know what? For the first time in my life am using my license as a license, not an identity card. Here, I can call me a driver, right?

Here we are back in Santiago. The leaves on the trees have grown, my geraniums have formed a virgin forest behind my windows and it's 20 degrees ...

PS The photos here are


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