Friday, December 21, 2007

Lohri Invitation Print

Outside the crucifix!

Here "Best" from the brief submitted by the lodges of 3722 Notre Dame West in Montreal . The rest of the text takes the same themes as the memory of the box, "Free Thought" (see previous post). Some sentences of two texts are virtually identical, suggesting that these two little duties are based on a joint document from the upper hierarchy Masonic ... To read the full story, see the comments.

(excerpt from "liberal
Freemasonry in Quebec - Welcome without betraying " on page 16)

course, this implies that the state must also completely secularize its institutions and public spaces: the disappearance of the Catholic crucifix spaces citizens banning prayers before public meetings of municipal councils, prohibition, for any representative or employee of the State Port Distinctive religious symbols, as part of his work, etc..


From Liberty Lodge of Human Right in Montreal:

Monique Meunier
Elizabeth Reney Florin Eugen Cristea

Yael Bensoussan
Hubert Jean Jacques Valcke

Constant Marie-Therese Legrand Gloria
Roger Le Clerc

From the Lodge Emancipation of Human Right in Montreal: Albert

Souad Sheikh

Mokidjouan From the Lodge, the Grand Lodge of France Women in Montreal:

Lucia Bailey , Yvonne Mokidjouan
Jacqueline Bacon
Helen Desbois Couston
Jacqueline Bétrancourt

From the Lodge and Friendship Force, the LADH
Marc Le Rallic
and Gilles Allard

Extract of movement memory secular Québécois strangely resembles the one from above (the complete text is found in the comments):

"16. What religious symbols are removed or ostentatious conspicuous places for the exercise of political power (eg the crucifix placed above the throne of president of the National Assembly, the crucifix is possibly in his place, as element of historical heritage, in a museum in the National Assembly).
17. What should be deleted and banned the practice of reciting the prayer meetings of
councils and other public decision making. "


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