In the secret of this temple
Excerpts from an article on Freemasonry in the insert published in the newspaper La Presse Outlook May 8, 1976. It presents a Jean-Guy Leboeuf, venerable master of the lodge Dénéchau Montreal and freemasons of the 32nd degree. This man was a candidate for the leadership of the Party of National Unity in 1976 and a columnist for the Journal de Montreal (source: Serviam).
In addition, the paper reveals the parallels between the Catholic Church and Freemasonry called "regular" in the 1970s.
Press, Prospects, May 8, 1976 By Pierre Laflamme
(...) In 1970, for example, Bishop Irenaeus Lussier, former Rector of the University of Montreal, read the Gospel and the homily delivered at a joint meeting Members of the Masonic Lodge of United Hearts which celebrated its centenary and the Knights of Columbus, however, had long been a kind of counterpart enemy of Freemasonry. (...)
Comment: and now the cat is out of the bag! After having preached against both FM and after we have both warned that its members were the destruction of the Catholic faith and that the mere fact of belonging to this sect means immediate excommunication for its members and the fires of hell for eternity, so that's a beautiful day we decided simply
we're all buddy-buddy, that the past is the past ... It's really principles beautiful! Not surprising that people lose faith in so many clergy with such a soft dough ...
(...) In Montreal, between 1973 and 1975, a group of three Catholic priests and five freemasons including a French Catholic and two Protestant ministers held a dozen meetings. "It was better to know." says one of both sides, "to see who we are dealing," said one of the priests, who preferred anonymity. (...)
Comment: Well, already after 10 meetings with FM, one begins to want to remain anonymous, to of cachetteries.
(...) Following these meetings, a report was submitted to the Assembly of Bishops. This document, whereas there is no evidence that Masonry regular lodges which belong Quebec combat the Church recognizes in light of the letter dated July 18, 1974 that its members do not fall within the scope of the excommunication. (...)
Comment: how can we expect to obtain a frank and open dialogue with people linked by a secret inviolable except upon pain of death, that's what I want to know and here, moreover, the inconsistency of the FM with the Christian religion, honorable priests anonymous.
(...) "Some people said the priest, but rather conservative when it should not exaggerate the number, who sincerely believe that the Freemasons have crept in millieux influential of the Church. All this represents a chord for those people. " (...)
Comment: well, well ...
(...) Mr. Jean-Guy Leboeuf, practicing Catholic, initiated in Freemasonry in 1967, recently promoted to the 32nd degree member of the lodge Dénéchau which he was worshipful master, and that was great Director of Ceremonies Grand Lodge of Quebec, one of the major titles of the Masonic hierarchy, for its part wants to see the situation be clarified as soon as possible for all to see. "It would only encourage the development of Freemasonry in
middle French," he said. (...)
Comment: this is why the FM wanted to be buddy-buddy with the clergy to power and improve their image and attract more members.
(...) He believes, moreover, the timing, noting greater interest of French Canadians with respect to the "secret society" that there a few years.
The Grand Lodge of Quebec has made itself an effort in this direction, he says. "All the boxes will soon, when this is done, the French translation of the statutes and Masonic ritual.
Our library, so far only English, is now offering French books.
comment: not bilingual in 1976 the Grand Lodge "Quebec"
(...) According to Mr. Leboeuf, who is a candidate for the leadership of the National Union, it would be good if more Quebec leaders in all fields, political, economic, cultural, union are the freemasons (...)
Comment: that which describes the oligarchy that currently runs Quebec.
(...) "It is true, he says, that the builders have a good background conservative in the sense that they remain attached to certain
traditional values. But they are also fighting against prejudice, for more tolerance and equality, more internationalism. (...)
Commentary: Internationalism world government =