Monday, March 10, 2008

Makloo's Male Animal Genitalia Gallery

The Masonic Grand Lodge of Quebec: obedience that has a dual history of liberal

Freemasonry arrived in Quebec in the luggage of the conquering British in 1759, the year of the invasion of New France by England.

Press November 14, 1963 By Gilles

"0n generally regarded as the Freemasons or Canada arrived at the same time as the English flag. The boxes were attached to seven or eight regiments of the army Wolfe besieged Quebec in 1759, and many regiments of the army of Amherst the following year, obtained the capitulation of Montreal. "

The English version of the history of the Grand Lodge of Quebec feels the same way:

"The Grand Lodge WAS ESTABLISHED of Quebec on October 20th, 1869.
This important event in history o civile about A Hundred and Ten Years After The Introduction [note: in 1759] Into the hand of Freemasonry of Canada now Known As The Province of Quebec, By The Masons serving in the Regiments Which Formed The British Force "under the command of General James Wolfe."

For cons, the Freemasons French have a history quite different from their allegiance: htm

This text is frankly implausible and contradictory. It says, for example, that French lodges have existed in New France before the conquest. It cites two boxes with names in English stating that they were created in 1752 under the French but later in the notes to text, it highlights the obvious absurdity of this theory:

"Contrary to what some believe Brothers, it is clear that this box was speaking at the time of its creation. One may also wonder how and especially why the Freemasons would have given French in 1752 (thus before the Conquest of New France by the British) at their lodge, the name of Albion, by which the Greeks and Romans of antiquity means Great Britain ... "
Lodge "Hearts United" Montreal goes even further into ridicule by claiming that there were lodges in Quebec in 1721, although this is contradicted in the story of their grand lodge. So it will be understood that the FM francos have vivid imaginations ...

But why the history of this lodge is so different by language spoken?
The Grand Lodge of Quebec is a breed of colonialism, an instrument of British power. Its origins date amply demonstrates, as its membership, consisting mostly of English. Regular Freemasonry is undoubtedly a source of progress elsewhere, but here it is strictly an organization to recruit collaborators to serve the colonial power. In 1823, the Masons Montreal Anglophones were separated from the Provincial Grand Lodge as a Freemason Francophone, Claude Dénéchau, had been elected Grand Master of the Order. The English could not bear to be run by a francophone. In 1896, the Freemasons have left the French Grand Lodge of Quebec to join the Grand Orient of France and found the lodge and enjoy for the Emancipation of the "total lack of moral influence of masonry English" on the French-Canadian population.
Later in the 1970s, Francis Marsh, a former venerable master of the lodge "Hearts United" decides to leave the Grand Lodge to form his own obedience by saying that the Grand Lodge of Quebec was led from London.

(both historical are reproduced in full in the comments of this post).